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Sangwoo (JUST B) Profile

Sangwoo (JUST B) Profile and Facts

Sangwoo (상우) is a member of JUST B under Bluedot Entertainment. He made his debut with the group on June 30, 2021.

Stage Name: Sangwoo (상우)
Birth Name: Kim Sang Woo (김상우)
Birthday: September 3, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 182 cm (5’9” ft)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean

Sangwoo Facts:
— He was the 4th member officially revealed on May 26, 2021.
— His hometown is Jeju Island and is a really skilled swimmer.
— He is known as the mini leader.
— He signed under BlueDot Entertainment in early 2020.
— He is the lead dancer, sub vocalist and maknae of JUSTB.
— He’s the happiest when his family and friends are in the happiest state of mind.
— His secret: He has body moles on the right side of his body.
— Fans say that Sangwoo looks like Jackson Wang.
— Sangwoo believes that his best quality trait is that he’s patient.
— His favorite animal is the gorilla.
— His favorite song by the group is Get Away.
— His favorite color is sky blue.
— He has a black belt in taekwondo.
— The three hashtags that represent Sangwoo are #affection, #freedom and #water.
— He wants JUST B to be a humble, developing and skillful group.
— He’s in charge of making choreographies for the group.
— He thinks he is low in cuteness but high in charisma.
— His representative emojis are wolf and gorilla.
— He is closest to Geonu out of all members.
— He doesn’t like the taste of coffee.
— His favorite school subject was Physical Education.
— DY thinks he is immune to hot weather.
— He feels happy when singing.
— On October 4, 2021 Sangwoo posted on Weverse that his MBTI changed to ENFP (Formerly an INFP).
– His favorite ice cream flavors are peach and plain yogurt.
— He debuted as member of JUST B on June 30, 2021, with the mini-album ‘Just Burn’.

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