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Rachel (APRIL) Profile, Facts, and Ideal Type

Rachel (APRIL) Profile and Facts

Rachel (레이첼)
is a member of the South Korean girl group APRIL.

Stage Name: Rachel (레이첼)
Birth Name: Sung Na Yeon (성나연)
Birthday: August 28th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Nationality: Korean
Height: 165 cm (5’5″)
Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Instagram: @castlechel_0824

Rachel Facts:
– Her hometown is Seoul, South Korea.
– In November 2016, she was added to APRIL along with Chaekyung.
-Her position in the group is as Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, and Vocalist.
-She is a part of APRIL’s maknae line.
-She is under 6 Comments.
-She thinks her charming point is her dimples.
-She thinks she is more shy and introverted.
-Because her family actively supported her becoming an idol, they would all go to her auditions.
-One of her hobbies is watching dramas.
-She prefers doing rhythmic gymnastics with a ball.
Jinsol left the biggest first impression due to how surprisingly mature she was.
– She graduated from Kyungbok Elementary School and Seoul Performing Arts High School (School of Practical Dance / School).
– For 4 years she lived in Portland, Oregon, USA.
-She forgot most of the English she learned while living in the US.
– She trained in ballet for 7 years and won many competitions.
-The members make fun of her for being to graceful in their dances.
-In 2018 and 2019 she competed at ISAC in rhythmic gymnastics.
– She can imitate Spongebob’s laugh.
-Her wish is ton hit the jackpot.
-Often she will talk to herself without realizing it.
-Her members say she is very clumsy.
-She is the only idol with a certificate in OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer).
– 230mm is her shoe size.
-She was a fan of APRIL before she joined.
– Rachel really enjoys listening to Disney songs.
– On March 17, 2017, Rachel and Yena were introduced as the MCs for EBS’s “Operation to Rescue the Song”.
Rachel’s Ideal Type: The actor Park Seo Joon.

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Profile Made By ♥LostInTheDream♥

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