PRISTIN: Who is Who?
[2016.06.27] WE (위)
** This song was released when Pristin was still known as PLEDIS Girlz (pre-debut). In addition to that, during this time Kyulkyung and Nayoung were still promoting with I.O.I resulting in them not participating in this song. **
*** At this time, many of the Pristin members did not go by their stage names. Xiyeon went by Siyeon, Yuha went by Kyungwon, Roa went by Mingyeong, Rena went by Yebin, and Yehana went by Yewon. ***
[2017.03.21] WEE WOO (위우)
[2017.08.23] WE LIKE (위 라이크)
Made by: LizzieCorn
Related: PRISTIN Members Profile
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