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ONEWE Members Profile

ONEWE Members Profile and Facts:

ONEWE (원위) is a 5-member South Korean band, consiting of Yonghoon, Harin, Kanghyun, Dongmyeong, and Giuk. The group was originally known as MAS 0094 and debuted under Modern Music in August 2015. The band moved to RBW in June 2017 under the name MAS. The members officially re-debuted with the name ONEWE under RBW Entertainment on May 13, 2019.

Group Name Meaning: N/A
Official Greeting: N/A

ONEWE Official Fandom Name: WEVE (위브)
ONEWE Official Color: N/A

ONEWE Official Logo:

Latest Dorm Arrangement:
Yonghoon & Kanghyun
Dongmyeong & Giuk

Official SNS:
Website: rbbridge.com/ONEWE / (Japan): onewe.jp
Instagram: @official_ONEWE
X : @official_ONEWE / (Japan): @ONEWE_JPN
TikTok: @rbw_onewe
YouTube: ONEWE
Weibo: ONEWE_Official
Fan Cafe: makeasound0094
Facebook: officialONEWE

ONEWE Member Profiles:

Stage Name: Yonghoon (용훈)
Birth Name: Jin Yong-hoon (진용훈)
Position(s): Leader, Main Vocalist, Guitar, Keyboard
Birthday: August 17th, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 184 cm (6’0”)
Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
MBTI Type: ESFP (previously ESTP)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color:

Yonghoon Facts:
– He was born in Ulsan, South Korea.
– Yonghoon won in a music competition where he met and was invited by the other members to join the band. (KBS Concert Feel)
– His special talent is whistling and tying his shoelaces quickly.
– Yonghoon used to play soccer.
– He is afraid of dogs.
– Yonghoon was a contestant on The Unit. (Rank 59)
– His hobby is watching movies. (The Unit profile)
– Charming point: honey voice. (The Unit profile)
– His specialties are writing songs, playing the guitar and piano. (The Unit profile)
– Yonghoon sometimes stays up to 3-4 am working in the studio.
– Yonghoon’s first time was petting a dog was in 2018.
– There is a running joke that Yonghoon likes to write the songs about his first times. This is because he wrote about his first time petting a dog and wanted to write a song about his first time on ASC.
– He was a former CUBE Entertainment trainee.
– Yonghoon enlisted as an active-duty soldier on July 12, 2022 and was discharged on January 11, 2024.
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Stage Name: Harin (하린)
Birth Name: Ju Ha-rin (주하린)
Position(s): Drummer
Birthday: March 29th, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 181 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 68 kg (149 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color:
💚 / 🖤

Harin Facts:
– He was born in Seoul, South Korea.
– Harin, Giuk, and Kanghyun were the first members to form the group. (KBS Concert Feel)
– Harin is the best at cleaning in the group.
– He knows how to beatbox.
– He can do a magic trick with a dove.
– Charming point: onion-like person (able to show various charms). (The Unit profile)
– Harin was the leader of his school’s environment club.
– According to Giuk, Harin is in charge of doing repairs. (K-Diamond TV)
– Harin was a contestant on The Unit. (Rank 54)
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Stage Name: Kanghyun (강현)
Birth Name: Kang Hyun-gu (강현구)
Position(s): Guitar
Birthday: November 24th, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: 💜

Kanghyun Facts:
– He was born in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
– Kanghyun is the former leader of the group.
– He was originally supposed to be a kendo athlete but decided to pursue music instead.
– Kanghyun, Harin, and Giuk were the first members to form the group. (KBS Concert Feel)
– His nickname is Pingu (the animated penguin).
– His favorite guitar brand is Gibson. (V Live)
– His hobby is reading.
– His idol is Steve Wonder.
– Kanghyun and Harin were friends since childhood.
– Kanghyun helped write and compose Regulus after reading the book Little Prince with the help of Giuk.
– His kindergarten teacher gave him his cycling license.
– He has 7 to 8 medals from kendo competitions.
– Hanghyun has an extremely low alcohol tolerance (Giuk has the highest).
– Kanghyun was a contestant on The Unit. (Rank 61)
– Kanghyun enlisted as an active-duty soldier on August 2, 2022 and was discharged on February 1, 2024.
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Stage Name: Dongmyeong (동명)
Birth Name: Son Dong-myeong (손동명)
Position(s): Lead Vocalist, Keyboard, Visual
Birthday: January 10th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 173 cm (5’8″)
Weight: 51 kg (112 lbs)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: ISTJ (previously ESFJ, ISFJ)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color:

Dongmyeong Facts:
– He was born in Seoul, South Korea.
– He has a twin brother named Dongju (Xion of ONEUS). He is the older twin by a minute.
– Dongmyeong’s nickname is Spoiler Fairy. (V Live)
– He graduated from SOPA with a Special Achievement award which he really wanted to receive. (V LIVE)
– Dongmyeong’s nicknames are Spoiler Fairy, Dolmaeng-ie and Dong-kachu.
– He has a signature move called “Dongmyeong Gymnastics”.
– Dongmyeong and Giuk are best friends, even before the band was formed. (KBS Concert Feel)
– Giuk was the one who invited Dongmyeong to join the band when the first three members thought that they needed a vocalist. (KBS Concert Feel)
– The members agree that Dongmyeong is the cutest member.
– He usually pulls pranks on the members.
– Dongmyeong was a contestant on Produce 101 (Rank 68), and a contestant on The Unit (Rank 16).
– The members agreed that Dongmyeong is the best at dancing among them. (AKMU Suhyun’s Volume Up)
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Stage Name: Giuk (기욱) [Formerly known as CyA (키아)]
Birth Name: Lee Gi-uk (이기욱)
Position(s): Main Rapper, Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Maknae
Birthday: January 24th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 175 cm (5’9″)
Weight: 56 kg (125 lbs)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: INFJ (previously ENFJ)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color:
SoundCloud: giuk2

Giuk Facts:
– He was born in Suwon, South Korea.
– Giuk, Kanghyun, and Harin were the first members to form the group. (KBS Concert Feel)
– Giuk and Dongmyeong are best friends, even before the band was formed. (KBS Concert Feel)
– His former stage name “CyA” was named after “Cyane” from Greek Mythology.
– He is ambidextrous since he writes and eats with his left hand, but plays bass and uses scissors with his right hand.
– Giuk was a contestant on The Unit. (Rank 60)
– He can imitate owl sounds.
– He was classmates and close friends with Sunwoo of THE BOYZ and created together a 4 member crew, NAMED LATE.
– On March 9, 2023 he announced that he changed his stage name from CyA to Giuk (his name).
– On April 20, 2023 Giuk debuted as a soloist with the mini album, “Psycho Xybernetics : TURN OVER“.
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Note 1: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites on the web. If you use info from our profile, kindly put a link to this post. Thanks! – KProfiles.com

Note 2: Dongmyeong revealed on Instagram Story (Jan 2022) that he re-took the MBTI test and his result changed to Introverted from Extroverted.

For Reference On MBTI Types:
E = Extroverted, I = Introverted
N = Intuitive, S = Observant
T = Thinking, F = Feeling
P = Perceiving, J = Judging

Made by: Sam (thughaotrash)
(Special thanks to: ST1CKYQUI3TT, emma nguyen, Alex Grey, syasya, staycaratzen, MACHIKO, Name, Christian Gee Alarba, ONEWE 0094, Eunwoo’s Left Leg, Sara, hiLLo, Julianna, Pale Rapture, turtle_powers, Laris Biersack Horan, TY 4MINUTE, Kimberly Su, Begüm~, Deidre Denielia, Uzuru Rikane, Ali, moon girl, NTheQ, lee, sunghoon’s whisker dimples, sha. ✨, Vanterye, Anjali K Negi, Zara, Yumi, Moody, Riku, ssae, MinMin, kelli, flowerking, nolan, Samra, Seashell, Raven, Riku, and more!)

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ONEWE Discography
Poll: Who is the best vocalist/rapper in ONEWE?
Poll: Who’s the best instrumentalist in ONEWE?
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