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Minkyun (ONF) Profile and Facts

Minkyun (ONF) Profile and Facts

Minkyun (민균) is a member of the South Korean boy group ONF, under WM Entertainment.
He debuted on August 3rd, 2017.

Stage Name: Minkyun (민균), formerly MK (엠케이)
Birth Name:
Park Min-kyun (박민균)
Position(s): Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
Birthday: November 16th, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Pig
Height: 178 cm (5’10″)
Weight: 66 kg (145 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean
Representative Colour: Green
Representative Emoji: 🐱/🐈‍⬛/🍋
ONKKOMIZ Character: KKYUNDoongi (뀬둥이)
Serial No.:
Sub-Unit: ON Team
Instagram: @mkickoff_
SoundCloud: MK(ONF)
YouTube: MinKyun 민균

Minkyun Facts:
– Birthplace: Anyang, South Korea, but he grew up in Ilsan.
– Family: Father, Mother, Older Sister.
– His nicknames also include “Cat Butler” and “1116dB”.
– His serial number, “ST-010-16”, means STart + the year of starting as a trainee (2010) + the age of starting as a trainee (16).
– He was a trainee for 7 years (5 years in Starship Entertainment, and another 2 years in WM Entertainment.
– When he was first revealed to debut, he was the member with the highest recognition in the group because of his participation in the NO.MERCY programme.
– He appeared in BOYFRIEND‘s “Obsession” MV as the Peter Pan character.
– On January 1st, 2024, he officially changed his stage name from MK to Minkyun.
– His previous stage name, MK, was the nickname that MONSTA X‘s Joohoney used for him when he was a trainee at Starship Entertainment. “M” is derived from his name, Minkyun, and “K” from the gold unit 캐럿(Karat).
– Despite being born in the same year as Seungjun, both him and Wyatt regard Seungjun as “hyung” (older brother) because he entered school a year earlier (due to SK’s previous age system) and because Seungjun plays the role of the “older brother” properly.
– His family has 1 dog (Somang) and 2 cats (Kippeum and Shami), all of whom were rescued. Shami passed away in 2023, when he was in the military.
– After joining WM, he went around the neighbourhood (for 2 years) to provide food for the stray cats and dogs. Labelmates Oh My Girl Mimi and Seunghee’s cats (Miong and Maxiang) were all rescued by him.
– His charming points also include his dimples and mole next to his nose bridge.
– He is also known as “human autotune” because of his unique high-tone voice. His voice stands out especially well when he sings pop songs.
– It is not well-known because he is part of the ON Team, but he has an official sub-rapper position and participates in rapping on many of their tracks.
– He is the energy source of the team and is considered the most fun and crazy member of the team. He often speaks incomprehensible English and plays pranks on the members.
– He prefers his right side of his face and would even make inconvenient turns just to show the audience this side of his face. It is also revealed by Wyatt that they exchanged their original debut standing position because of this.
– Minkyun and Wyatt took their driving licence exam together, where they both failed their written test on the first attempt. They both passed in their subsequent attempt.
– Minkyun and E-Tion are acknowledged as the team’s comedy duo.
– Minkyun and E-Tion have a cooking series together called “KyunYun’s Restaurant” on vLive.
– His parents used to run a Baskin Robbins franchise, which is said to have closed in 2023. If he wasn’t in ONF, it is said he would be working at the store.
– If Minkyun had a superpower, it would be teleportation.
–If he could go anywhere for vacation, he would like to visit Antarctica and the North Pole so he can experience the cool temperatures and meet penguins.
– His motto: “Live while always smiling.”
– Minkyun’s Ideal Type: Someone who has a pretty smile.

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Made by: namjingle ☆
Edited by: yükküri ˙ᵕ˙

Related: ONF Members Profile

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About the author


Hi, I enjoy making mostly ONF content :)

Other artists I like: Blitzers, E'Last, Cignature, MY.st, Demian, SBFIVE

Contact me on the KProfiles forum (@ONF) if you have any questions or concerns!