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MAGICOUR Members Profile

MAGICOUR Members Profile

MAGICOUR (マジックアワー) was a Japanese girl group under VINEYARD. They are the first unit of Popteen’s dance and vocal unit project, 7+ME LINK (ナナメリンク). The group currently consists of five members. They debuted on November 25, 2020 with their first single, “MAGIC”. It was not officially announced, but due to the group being inactive for a long time and the members not associating themselves with the group anymore, the group is most likely disbanded.

MAGICOUR Official Color(s): Purple

MAGICOUR Official Accounts:
Website: https://nanamelink.co.jp
Official Group Website/Fanclub: https://magicour.jp
Twitter: @7melink
Instagram: @7melink
YouTube: NANAME.Link (7+ME Link公式チャンネル)
TikTok: @7melink

MAGICOUR Members Profile:

Stage Name: MICHU (みちゅ)
Birth Name: Hasegawa Mitsuki (長谷川美月 / はせがわ みつき)
Nickname: MICHU (みちゅ)
Birthday: September 16, 2002
Height: 163cm (5’4″)
Blood Type: A
Position: Oldest
Twitter: @mitsuu__style
Instagram: @mxx.____29
TikTok: @mitsuu__style
YouTube: みちゅきの部屋

MICHU Facts:
– She is from Ishikawa, Japan.
– MICHU is an exclusive model for Popteen.
– A starting member of 7+ME LINK.
– Her official color is Green.
– Her fans’ name are called, “月団 (TSUKIDAN)”
– She has been dancing for ten years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Jazz.
– Was one of the five members to participate in MAGICOUR’s 2nd single, “Getcha”.
– On January 28, 2022, she announced that she’ll hold auditions to produce an idol group that’ll debut in Summer 2022.


Stage Name: YUME (ゆめ)
Birth Name: Kawabata Yume (川端結愛 / かわばた ゆめ)
Nickname: Yume-Pote (ゆめぽて)
Birthday: April 14, 2004
Height: 163cm (5’4″)
Blood Type: B
Position: Main Vocalist
Twitter: @kadayusachi
Instagram: @dorifarm_yume14
TikTok: @yumeyume14_14
YouTube: ゆめぽて

YUME Facts:
– She is from Kyoto, Japan.
– YUME is an exclusive model for Popteen.
– A starting member of 7+ME LINK.
– Her official color is Pink.
– Her fans’ name are called, “どりふぁーむ (DORIFARM)”
– She has been dancing for five years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Jazz Hip Hop.
– Was one of the centers for MAGICOUR’s debut single, “MAGIC”.
– Was one of the five members to participate in MAGICOUR’s 2nd single, “Getcha”.


Stage Name: KIRARI (きらり)
Birth Name: Shimada Kirari (島田キラリ / しまだ きらり)
Nickname: Kiraran (きららん)
Birthday: December 6, 2004
Height: 155cm (5’1″)
Blood Type: O
Twitter: @kiraran_stars
Instagram: @kiraran___12
TikTok: @kiraran___12

– She is from Nagasaki, Japan.
– Was scouted at a dance workshop by Mai (a full-time dance trainer for MAGICOUR).
– Was added to the group as a new member on February 5, 2021 through NANAPOP episode 25.
– KIRARI is a regular model for Popteen.
– Her official color is Orange.
– Is also a member of AI★KURU in which her official color is Yellow.
– On October 2, 2022, she became a member of PureGi.
– Her fans’ name are called, “STARS”
– She has been dancing for seven years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Hip Hop.
– According to MAGICOUR’s Twitter, they said that she’s petite but has a passionate and powerful dance performance.


Stage Name: KOKONA (ここな)
Birth Name: Ogata Kokona (緒方心菜 / おがた ここな)
Nickname: Kokotan (ここたん)
Birthday: August 18, 2005
Height: 167cm (5’5″)
Blood Type: A
Twitter: @_zhzk0ko8_
Instagram: @_zhzk0ko8_
TikTok: @zhzhsk08

– She is from Kumamoto, Japan.
– Is under KISS Entertainment Inc.
– Was added to the group as a new member on January 29, 2021 through NANAPOP episode 24.
– She was formerly under a South Korean label/agency called, A Entertainment from 2019-2020.
– A former member of a pre-debut disbanded K-Pop girl group called, LIMETREE from 2019-2020.
– KOKONA was a regular model for Popteen.
– Her official color is Yellow.
– Her fans’ name are called, “ヨギたん (YOGITAN)”
– She has been dancing for five years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Jazz Hip Hop.
– MAGICOUR’s staff described her as an adult-like girl who has high-level dance skills.
– She aims to be a K-POP Artist.
– Was one of the five members to participate in MAGICOUR’s 2nd single, “Getcha”.


Stage Name: RICOPA (りこぱ)
Birth Name: Kawanishi Rico (川西莉子 / かわにしりこ)
Nickname: RICOPA (りこぱ)
Birthday: October 2, 2005
Height: 159cm (5’2″)
Blood Type: O
Positions: Lead Dancer, Youngest
Twitter: @Ricopa_lu
Instagram: @ricopa_lu
TikTok: @ricopa_pa

– She is from Osaka, Japan.
– RICOPA is a regular model for Popteen.
– A starting member of 7+ME LINK.
– Her official color is Light Blue.
– Her fans’ name are called, “りこぱる (Ricopalu)”
– She has been dancing for seven years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Girls Hip Hop.
– Was the center and one of the five members to participate in MAGICOUR’s 2nd single, “Getcha”.

Former Members:

Stage Name: TARU (タル)
Birth Name: Fukutomi Tsuki (福富つき / ふくとみ つき)
Nicknames: Taru-chan (タルちゃん), Tsuki (つき)
Birthday: September 21, 2002
Height: 165cm (5’4″)
Blood Type: O
Twitter: @talways_tari
Instagram: @talways_tari
TikTok: @talways_tari

TARU Facts:
– She is from Osaka, Japan.
– She debuted in Mystic Story’s girl group called, Billlie.
– Before joining Mystic Story, she participated in JYP 15th audition.
– Was an SM Entertainment trainee for two years with the stage name, “Ravi”.
– TARU was an exclusive model for Popteen.
– A starting member of 7+ME LINK.
– Her fans’ name are called, “タルタル (TARUTARU)”
– She has been dancing for eleven years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Girl Group.
– Since December 15, 2020, she is taking a hiatus from any activities in Japan and already went back to South Korea.
– In February 2021, her profile on 7+ME LINK official website was deleted.
– In June 2021, fans found out that she left Popteen because her profile on Popteen’s official website was deleted and Popteen unfollowed her social media accounts.
– Withdrew from MAGICOUR on December 15, 2020.


Stage Name: MYUKA (みゅうか)
Birth Name: Hishida Myuka (菱田海佑香 / ひしだ みゅうか)
Nickname: MyuMyu (みゅみゅ)
Birthday: January 30, 2003
Height: 172cm (5’7″)
Blood Type: AB
Twitter: @myumyu_chanzu
Instagram: @myumyu_chanzu
TikTok: @myumyu_chanzu

MYUKA Facts:
– She is from Hyogo, Japan.
– Has a younger sister named Hishida Minami from Girls².
– As of October 2021, she’s under an agency called nap.
– MYUKA was a regular model for Popteen.
– Former EXPG Osaka student.
– A starting member of 7+ME LINK.
– Her fans’ name are called, “みゅうちゃんず”
– She has been dancing for twelve years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Freestyle Jazz.
– Is friends with Kanno Miyu who is in J-Group for Girls Planet 999.
– Withdrew from MAGICOUR on June 4, 2021.


Stage Name: YUA (ゆあ)
Birth Name: Tsutsui Yua (筒井結愛 / つつい ゆあ)
Nickname: Yua-Tii / Yua-Tee (ゆあてぃー)
Birthday: January 18, 2004
Height: 169cm (5’6″)
Blood Type: B
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist
Twitter: @yua_tsutsui
Instagram: @yua_tsutsui
TikTok: @yuatyyy0118
YouTube: てぃーちゅーぶ

YUA Facts:
– She is from Aichi, Japan.
– She is currently a member of the girl group, Veil.
– YUA was an exclusive model for Popteen.
– A starting member of 7+ME LINK.
– Her fans’ name are called, “ゆあちぇんず”
– She has been dancing for eight years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Hip Hop.
– Was one of the five members to participate in MAGICOUR’s 2nd single, “Getcha”.
– Will no longer be an exclusive model for Popteen starting from the end of August 2021.
– Withdrew from MAGICOUR on August 31, 2021.


Stage Name: AMU (あむ)
Birth Name: Shimoyama Amu (下山碧夢 / しもやま あむ)
Nickname: AmuAmu (あむあむ)
Birthday: July 12, 2005
Height: 166cm (5’5″)
Blood Type: O
Twitter: @a07m1u2
Instagram: @a07m1u2
TikTok: @a07m1u2

AMU Facts:
– She is from Aichi, Japan.
– AMU was a regular model for Popteen.
– Former EXPG Nagoya student.
– Used to be a part of EXPG Nagoya’s girls unit called,ドルアミ (DOLL Armies).
– At the time AMU was in DOLL Armies, the unit also had Katsuragawa Ran and Miyamoto Sara,
who are former members of EXPG Lab unit, KIZZY.
– A starting member of 7+ME LINK.
– Her fans’ name are called, “むうむう (MUMU)”
– She has been dancing for eleven years.
– Her favorite genre / preferred genre is Hip Hop.
– Was one of the centers for MAGICOUR’s debut single, “MAGIC”.
– Withdrew from MAGICOUR on June 4, 2021.

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Profile made by flxwerjjj

Who is your MAGICOUR oshimen?

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