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Lune (DKB) Profile

Lune Profile and Facts:

Lune (룬) is a member of the group DKB.

Stage Name: Lune (룬)
Birth Name: Jung Sung Min (정성민)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: February 27th, 2000
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 176 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean

Lune Facts:
– He was revealed as a member of DKB on November 5th, 2019.
– His childhood dream was to be like his dad (News Ade).
– He doesn’t have any known nicknames at the moment and has asked fans to give him some (NewsAde).
– His shoe size is 260 mm (Size 8) (News Aid).
– He says he doesn’t know his eyesight, but he knows it’s bad (News Ade).
– His hobbies are watching movies and dramas (News Ade).
– His specialties are taekwondo, climbing, physical activity, and exercising.
– His Chinese zodiac sign is Dragon.
– Lune says his favorite colors are black and brown since his clothes consist mostly of the colors black and brown, but says he loves all colors (Fancafe 2020.01.31).
– While on NewsAde, Lune chose not to share his secret by replying, “Because it’s a secret that no one else knows. It’s a secret.” (News Ade).
–  The three things he would bring to a deserted island are food, a lot of hot packs, and a sleeping bag (News Ade).
– If he won the lottery, he said he’d buy a room full of clothing (News Ade).
– In 10 years from now, he said regardless of their age or gender, he wishes for everyone to know the name “Lune” of DKB (News Ade).
– Lune’s the worst at eating spicy food and is sad about it because there are a lot of delicious spicy foods (Fancafe 2020.01.31).
– Lune thinks he’s not a very fun person (News iN Star 2020.02.05).
– Lune’s role model is BTS’ V (V-Live).
– In the dorm, he shares a room with Junseo, Yuku, and D1 (V-LIVE 20.02.11).

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profile by Y00N1VERSE

( Special thanks to ST1CKYQUI3TT )

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Related: DKB Profile

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About the author


Hi! My name is Kylie, but you can call me Kye for short if that's easier (I was formerly known as suga.topia). I'm 22 and have been an author since May 2018. I try to update profiles when I can, but sometimes it's hard to keep up due to house work and personal things in my life. If you need to contact me, my IG is: @y00n1verse (please be kind in my DM's or I most likely won't respond to you).