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Kinjo Sukai (JO1) Profile

Kinjo Sukai (JO1) Profile and Facts

Kinjo Sukai (金城碧海) is a Japanese idol under Lapone Entertainment and a member of the Japanese boy group JO1.

Stage Name: Kinjo Sukai (金城碧海)
Birth Name: Kinjo Sukai (金城碧海)
Nationality: Japanese
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Birthday: May 6, 2000
Blood Type: A
Height: 178 cm (5’10”)
Weight: 64kg (141lbs)

Kinjo Sukai Facts:
– In Produce 101 Japan he placed 10th place.
– Sukai performed together with Nakazato Sora during the evaluations as Team Sky.
– In the first evaluation he got B, and during re-evaluations got F.
– In episode 8 of Produce 101 Japan he purposefully falls on his face to show off his strong poker face.
– He is from Osaka prefecture, Japan.
– He has a a younger sister and brother.
– He was raised in a single-mother household.
– Representative emoji: 🛩
– Member color: black
– His nickname is “Sky”.
– Hobbies: movies and music
– Special skills: impersonating his mother, taking walks on the beach, soccer, and karate
– His debut pledge from Produce 101 Japan was that he would fly anywhere for national producers because he is “sky”.
– He fulfilled his debut pledge by helping out a single mother’s children for a day.
– His attraction point are his eyes.
– He said that despite his looks he can get very lonely.
– Since performing on the Produce 101 final was his first time in his life performing in front of such a large audience and fans, he says all he can remember of it is “white”.
– He started doing karate in elementary school and got a black belt within 2 years.
– Sukai can break a baseball bat in a single kick.
– In the JO1 party version of Happy Merry Christmas, Sukai broke a pile of roof tiles with a single punch.
– In one word he describes his personality as “sociable”.
– His catchphrase is “huh?”.
– Favorite color: black
– Favorite food: his grandmother’s gyoza
– Dislikes: cow milk
– He notices someone’s scent first.
– Sukai is studying English.
– Before he joined Produce 101 Japan he worked as a construction/demolition worker.
– He likes to watch American action movies.
– Lately he is into fragrance collecting.
– He used to buy insects online to breed them.
– He likes to terrorize his bandmates Sato Keigo and Shiroiwa Ruki with bugs.
– His token way of saying goodbye saying “see you!” and dabbing.
– Sukai said the reason why he is so cool is because he has fans supporting him.
– He would like to have a photo shoot with JO1 where everyone has long hair and that transcends gender.
– He did a Korean cover of JO1‘s song GO.
– He likes to drink energy drink, and in Sukai’s House he mixed a bunch of them together to make the ultimate energy drink.
– Sukai has been on a hiatus from the group October 10, 2021 to get treatment for his mental health (adjustment disorder). Because of this, he did not participate in promoting their 5th single Wandering.

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Profile made by aephonnie

What do you think about Kinjo Sukai?

Related: JO1 Members Profile

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