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Kim Kijung Profile and Facts

Kim Kijoong Profile and Facts:

Kijung (기중) is a South Korean singer.
*His name can be spelled either Kijoong, Kijung, Gijoong, or Gijung.

Stage Name: Kijung (기중)
Birth Name: Kim Ki Joong (김기중)
Chinese Name: Jin Ji Zhong (金基重)
Birthday: January 24th, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: 184 cm (6’1″)
Weight: 74 kg (163 lbs)
Blood Type: O
MBTI: ENFP (previously ESTP)
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @0124_gijoong
Threads: @0124_gijoong

Kijoong Facts:
– He was born in Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
– Kijung debuted in IM66 (also known as IM) in 2017 and in UNB in 2018; he was the maknae in both groups.
– He is a vocalist, really good at dancing, and can play a bit of guitar and keyboard.
– His past agencies are Yama&Hotchicks and MBK Entertainment. He is currently without a company.
– He was an MBK trainee and in their predebut group MBK BOYS, but that group never debuted. (He was speculated to be in BAE173, but wasn’t in that lineup either.)
– He is an only child.
– He has a mole under his right eye.
– He is very proud of his “hairless legs”.
– He is friends with Eric from THE BOYZ.
– He went to school with THE BOYZ’s Eric, Rina from Weki Meki, Ahra from Favorite, and Produce X 101 contestant Yoon Mingook.
– He majored in practical music at Seoul High School of Performing Arts.
– He graduated high school in 2020 and got accepted into multiple prestigious universities. He decided to attend DIMA (Dong-ah Institude of Media and Arts). His classmates include UP10TION & WATERFIRE‘s Sunyoul and Choi Suhwan.
– He enlisted on December 12, 2022 and was discharged on June 11, 2024. (Instagram post announcement)

IM Self-Written Profile:
Measurements: Top – 105, Pants – 30, Shoe – 275.
Charming Point: Cheeks.
Complex: “It’s a secret”.
Habit: Biting lips.
Look-A-Like: Jeong Sewoon.
Nickname: A nickname he wants his fans to call him is 기중아 (Kijoong-ah).
Hobbies/Skills: Watching movies, playing games, & eating lots of food.
Favorite Colors: Red, black, & white.
Favorite Season: Summer.
First Thing I Do In The Morning: Eating.
Sleeping Habit: “Touching my tummy”.
Happy Moment: “when I hear the bell after ordering chicken”.
Tough Moment I Want To Forget: “I don’t have a time I want to forget, but I’m sad because my voice is changing [due to puberty]”.
Motivation Words: “when people who like me support me”.
Jinx: None yet.
Likes: Games, meat, movies, chocolate, and sweet stuff.
Dislikes: Bugs, waking up in the morning.
Word That Describes Me: Baby.
Motto: “become the dream and hopes to people who support me”.
Advantages: “I work hard at what I like”.
Disadvantages: “homebody and sleeps a lot”.
Reason For Becoming A Singer: “I like it when I see people who enjoy my singing”.
Audition Song: Sometimes by Crush.
Role In The Group: Vocalist, Maknae.
Members Mukbang Ranking: Kijoong -> Giseok -> Hangyul -> Taeeun -> Sangwoo -> Junhyuk -> Seongchae -> Jiho.
Members Mental Age: Kijoong -> Giseok -> Hangyul -> Taeeun -> Sangwoo -> Jiho -> Junhyuk -> Seongchae.
Member Who Listens The Best: None.
Most Chill Member: Seongchae.
Member Who You’d Like To Switch With: Hangyul (because of his abs).
Kind Of Singer I Want To Be: a singer you’ll fall for immediately.
Me In 5 Words: a baby who eats well.

– He was a contestant on The Unit and ranked 8th with 77,337 votes, making it into the debut group.
– The audience gave him a Super Boot.
– He was center for The Unit’s song “My Turn”.
The Unit Q&A (link to translated one)

MBK BOYS Self-Introduction Interview:
Hobbies: Bowling, watching movies, & playing games.
Talents: Beatboxing.
Attractive Point: The dot (mole) underneath his eye, big hands, lips.
Item To Pack When Going Out: Cell phone.
Favorite Season: All except autumn.
First Thing You Do When You Open Your Eyes: Go back to sleep.
Sleeping Habits: Putting my foot on the next person’s belly.
Likes: Chicken, movies, games.
Dislikes: Fishy things, bugs.
Strengths: Being tall.
Favorite Song: 사랑에 연습이 있었다면 (If There Were Practice in Love) by Lim Jaehyun.
Favorite Movie: My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday.
Role Model: Jimin of BTS.
Express Yourself In Five Words: I am a professional idol.

– He was Contestant #6 on the MBC survival show Extreme Debut: Wild Idol.
– In episode 4, he was in Team C for the cover dance challenge and performed My House by 2PM.
– In episode 11, he was the center position for Answer Team. His team won and got to perform Answer on Music Core.
– In episode 12, he was in the vocal team and covered Sherlock by SHINee.
– Kijoong held up at 2nd and 3rd place in the fan voting throughout the show, but he was sadly eliminated in the final on December 16, 2021.
– His favorite color is white.
– A nickname he wants his fans to call him is 기중아 (Kijoong-ah).
– He thinks the animal he resembles is a puppy that got stung by bees.
– He thinks his charm is his fair skin.
– His bucket list is to make his debut on Wild Idol and to sing well.
– His goal is to sing well again.
– The nickname he would give his fans is 동반자 (companion).
– The music genre he wants to try or is interested in is rap.
– His favorite seasons are summer and winter because he has a lot of good memories associated with them.
– His favorite snack is ice cream.
– He wants to learn to play the piano.
– When he’s stressed he meets up with his friends.
– His favorite movie is About Time because it made him realize the importance of time.
– He likes to watch melodramas.
– The song he listens to when he’s having a hard time is Run With Me by sunwoojunga.
– His role model is actor Kim Yoon-seok because when he saw him for the first time it made him want to learn acting.
– If he had one wish he would wish for the best vocal cords and singing skills.
– His unique eating habit is mixing rice with ssamjang.
– The last food he wants to eat before he dies is sushi.
– The contestant he is jealous of is Jooan because he’s perfect and good at singing and dancing. He is also jealous of Sunghyuk because of his body.
– He prefers being a younger member than being an older member because then he can be playful and cute, but he said he’ll just be cute as an older member too.
Wild Idol Official Profile:
Position: Dance
Specialty: Facial expressions
Keyword: “천하무적 김기중 (invincible Kim Kijoong)”
Audition Performance Video: Take You Down by Chris Brown

profile made by nfflying (katmintgi)

(Special thanks to: claravirginia, ST1CKYQUI3TT)

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