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Kan (MGX) Profile & Facts

Kan (MGX) Profile & Facts

Kan (칸) is a member of the South Korean boy group MGX (MegaMax), under InMedia.

Stage Name: Kan (칸)
Birth Name: B.Baasankhuu (Б.Баасанхүү)
Korean Name: Park Sangwoo (박상우)
Birthday: January 1, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 186 cm (6’1″ ft)
Weight: 74 kg (163 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Mongolian
Instagram: kan_biii
Color: Orange

Kan Facts:
– He was born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
– He prefers meat over rice.
– He wears glasses.
– He has a bunch of games downloaded on his phone.
– Out of all class stereotypes, he describes himself as the quiet kid.
– He’s extroverted.
Nickname: Frog (개구리) (Source: His birthday video)
– He joined InMedia in 2019.
– His favorite word is Bibish (Meaning: My sweet heart in Malaysian/French).
– He moved to South Korea when he was four years old.
– He is the lead dancer and sub vocalist of MGX.
– When he moved to Korea, he thought the term unnie was for addressing your professors.
– He used to major in dance.
– Kan can’t sleep without hugging his giraffe plushie.
– His childhood dream was to be a dancer.
– His favorite season is Winter.
— His hobby is staying quiet/staying in quiet. (Self-written profile)
— His specialty is volleyball.
— His favorite season is winter.
— His favorite color is Black.
– He’s the first Mongolian male idol in South Korea making him the 2nd Mongolian idol in South Korea.
Charming Point: Legs
– His go-to outfit is a sweater and skinny jeans.
– His favorite food is lamb barbecue and stir-fry spicy pork. (Self-written profile)
– His dream vacation is to visit Maldives with his members.
Training Period: 2 years, 7 months
– He speaks Korean, Mongolian, basic English and is learning Japanese.
– He is very good at cooking Mongolian food.
— He shared that when he first came to Korea he heard that you call people “unnie” and he called his professor “unnie” and he apologized *
*(In Korea a younger male would call a older female ‘noona’ and not ‘unnie’)
Motto: Always take an opportunity to laugh.

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Profile by sunniejunnie

(Special thanks to: fairy iden)

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Related: MGX Members Profile

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