JUZIM Members Profile; JUZIM Facts
JUZIM was a Kazakhstani girl group that was formed in October 27, 2018 under DEM Entertainment. They were formed through the survival show Q-pop Idols. They were originally going to debut under JUZ Entertainment but plans changed. They disbanded in 2020.
JUZIM Fandom Name: Demim
JUZIM Fandom Colors: —
JUZIM Official Accounts:
Instagram: juzim.resm
JUZIM Latest Lineup Members:
Stage Name: Lili
Birth Name: Tursynali Janshyrai Erzadaqyzy (Тұрсынәлі Жаншырай Ерзадақызы)
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birthday: May 30, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Lili Facts:
– She is from Almaty.
– She graduated from a music school.
– She participated in many singing contests, including international ones, while in school.
– She can play the dombra (a long-necked Kazakh lute and a musical string instrument).
– She would also use it to participate in many musical competitions when she was young.
– She has a very calm and shy personality.
– She is a member of Bikesh.
– Her motto is: “If you feel you’re going to give up, then try more”.
Stage Name: Ria
Birth Name: Jabyqbaeva Madina Muratqyzy (Жабықбаева Мадина Мұратқызы)
Position: Rapper
Birthday: December 9, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: —
Weight: —
Ria Facts:
– She is from Almaty.
– She was added sometime in 2019.
Stage Name: Mila
Birth Name: Qajgalieva Kamila Nurlanovna (Қажғалиева Камила Нұрлановна)
Position: Sub Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: January 17, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: —
Weight: —
Instagram: camilanurlan
Mila Facts:
– She is from Aksay.
– Family: parents, sister.
– She’s the only member that didn’t participate in Q-pop Idols. She instead was scouted on Instagram where she used to upload covers.
– Can play the guitar.
– Has the softest voice out of the group as well is also very kind and sweet, the members say it’s hard not to love her.
– She is a model now.
– She doesn’t like being in cold.
– Her motto is: “Look to only the highest goals, do not listen to someone’s opinion and believe in yourself”.
Stage Name: Janin
Birth Name: Rustamova Janel Rustamovna (Рустамова Жанель Рустамовна)
Position: Sub Vocalist, Kenje
Birthday: April 28, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: —
Weight: —
Janin Facts:
– She is from Taldyqorgan.
– She was added sometime in 2019.
Former Members:
Stage Name: Tory
Birth Name: Nurkoja Tomiris Amankeldiqyzy (Нұрқожа Томирис Аманкелдіқызы)
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthday: December 27, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: —
Weight: —
Tory Facts:
– She is from Almaty.
– Was a trainee at JUZ Academy for 2 years.
– She is known to have a very hard working personality.
– She is also the most emotional member.
– She is a member of Bikesh.
– Her motto is: “Believe in your might. Begin to make things from this moment”.
Stage Name: Erika
Birth Name: Alakaeva Arujan Jumabekovna (Алакаева Аружан Жумабековна)
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birthday: November 17, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 167 cm
Weight: —
Erika Facts:
– She is from Kostanay.
– In her predebut years, she used to upload covers on her Instagram page.
– She was an actress & starred in many Kazakh TV series & movies. Being on Q-pop Idols helped her improved her dancing skills.
– She is one of the happy virae in the group.
– She is a soloist under the stage name Aroojeanne.
– She is a member of Bikesh.
– Her motto is: “Who, if not you?”.
Chi Ra
Stage Name: Chi Ra
Birth Name: Arkharova Raushan Qairatqyzy (Архарова Раушан Қайратқызы)
Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Composer
Birthday: September 9, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: —
Weight: —
Chi Ra Facts:
– She is from Kyzylorda.
– She along with MAD Z participated in K-TOP Idols survival show, but left earlier after Ninety One participants’ winning.
– She produced MAD MEN‘s debut song “Bir Qadam”.
– She composes songs, plays piano and violin.
– She formed a duo with fellow member MAD Z called Bøpe and Roo.
– She is a member of Bikesh.
– Her motto is: “Feel the life. Get everything from it”.
Stage Name: MAD Z
Birth Name: Kenjebaeva Juldyz Baqytbekqyzy (Кенжебаева Жұлдыз Бақытбекқызы)
Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Lyricist
Birthday: October 13, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: —
Weight: —
MAD Z Facts:
– She is from Aqtobe.
– She was a hidden member & was revealed at the Qpop Festival & surprised many fans.
– Has trained for 4-5 years as a JUZ trainee.
– Participated on the survival show K-TOP Idols.
– She starred in Kagaz Keme series, as one of the main characters.
– She was in Ninety One‘s “Yeski Taspa bii” in 2017.
– Her personality differs whether she is on stage, she’s very strong and aggressive on stage & she’s very playful & giggly off stage.
– She had formed a duo with fellow member Chi Ra called Bøpe and Roo.
– She is a member of Bikesh.
– Her motto is: “Get ready for everything”.
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Authors: IZ*ONE48 and Alpert
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