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Jang Hanbyul Profile & Facts

Jang Hanbyul Profile & Facts

Jang Hanbyul (장한별) is a South Korean/Australian singer who made his official solo debut under The Groove Entertainment on October 12, 2015 with 겨울바람, an OST for 리멤버 – 아들의 전쟁. He’s currently under BIGOCEAN ENM

Stage Name / Birth Name: Jang Hanbyul (장한별)
English Name: Jason Jang
Birthday: July 4, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 185 cm (6’0″)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean-Australian
Twitter: HANBYULofficial
Instagram: onestarbyul
YouTube: Han Byul- 장한별
VLive: Jang Han Byul (장한별)

Jang Hanbyul Facts:
— He was born in Brisbane, Australia
— Education: Brisbane Grammar School, The University of Queensland (Dental Science major, withdrew)
— He enrolled the University of Queensland because he originally wanted to be a dentist
— His parents told him that they’d let him pursue a singing career if he succeeded getting in dental school
— He can speak Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, French and Latin
— He was a member of LedApple. He joined it in November 2011 and left in December 2014 to focus on his solo career
— Fellow LedApple member Jun said that he’s the most amiable with girls
— He was the only LedApple member at the time of his stay who could communicate properly in English
— He referred to himself as a “sporty-nerdy” back in high school because he always had good grades
— He only found out what K-Pop is when he was sixteen
— He never sang in front of his Australian friends
— His family (most notably, his parents) moved to Seoul, South Korea so that he could pursue a singing career
— He took part in his first audition in 2010. He didn’t pass it, but he’d later get in after trying again
— He doesn’t usually borrow anything from other people
— If he had to pick a fashion item he’d never wear, it’d be stockings
— If he woke up one day as an animal, he’d be a dog
— He prefers dogs over cats
— The artists who inspire him the most are Michael Jackson, Coldplay, Bruno Mars, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran, Adele and Kim Bumsoo
— He sang several OSTs for dramas
— Prior to his official solo debut, on May 14, 2013, he collaborated with Jia for the digital single With Coffee
— In 2016, he was a contestant of The Society Game, where he was eliminated in ep. 10
— In 2020, he won the Top New Artist Award at the Malaysia Anuguera Meletop Era (AME) Awards
— He has a YouTube channel where he posts covers among other contents
— He’s also a vocal coach at The Music Academy
— He shares the same birth name as fellow solo artist PLANET BLACK

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About the author


Hello everybody! You can call me Midge here. I've been an author on KProfiles since November 2019.

I like finding nugu (=super underrated) K-Pop artists. I think I've found some of the nuguest artists I could come across.

Unfortunately, I tend to be extremely forgetful and a master procrastinator, so I apologize for that.

I have a long-*ss bias list, so I don't think it can fit here.

Be nice and enjoy!