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I (ALPHA) Profile and Facts

I (ALPHA) Profile and Facts
I (Ай)
is a member of Kazakhstani boy group ALPHA.

Stage Name: I (Ай)
Real Name: Aqjol Serikjanuly (Ақжол Серікжанұлы)
Birthday: May 13, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 176 cm (5’9″)
Nationality: Kazakh

I Facts:
– He was born in China and moved to Kazakhstan when he was 1 year old. Later he come back to China and moved again to Kazakhstan.
– He took part in survival show Project X.
– He was trainee in JUZ Entertainment.
– He is very sensitive.
– He is afraid of insects.
– He doesn’t like vegetables.
– I prefers tea over coffee.
– He likes dark chocolate more than white chocolate.
– If he could only eat one food for the rest of his live it would be burgers.
– His favorite smell is Oolong tea.
– He speaks Kazakh, Chinese, and English. He also knows some Russian but stated that he’s not good at it.
– He’s learning guitar.
– He wears glasses.
– He might change his stage name in the future.
– His favorite color is blue. He doesn’t like red.
– He does magic in his spare time.
– In a parallel universe, he would be a shaman businessman.
– He loved Japan since he was a kid but when choosing a place he wants to travel to it would be the Himalaya.
– He likes anime, for example Naruto and Ultra Seven.
– The biggest surprise that happened so far was when he first got in to TEN LABEL, the producer said they were going to debut in September.
– He prefers sneakers over classic shoes because you can wear sneakers with any kind of clothes and vintage over new.
– His fashion icon is Alexander McQueen.
– His favorite actor is Timothée Chalamet.
– His favorite artist is ALPHA.
– Three things he can’t live without are his phone, his glasses, and books.
– He reads a lot and his top 3 books are Little Prince, Alchimic and Kafka on the shore.
– His biggest fear in life is losing himself and not being able to be himself.
– The other members say that he knows a lot of stuff that they don’t know.
– He prefers the elevator and not the stairs and admitted that he’s just lazy.
– The first thing he pays attention to when meeting a new person is their eyes.
– His favorite holiday is New Year.
– One thing he wants but is scared to do is going to a public bath house.
– He doesn’t like the trend where people do sounds with their mouth.
– He was struggling with the brakes during driving lesson and concluded that for the health of the people around him he would rather not drive.

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Profile by Kat Rapunzel

(Special thanks to Rodak)

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About the author

Kat Rapunzel

Kpop fan since 2016
Kpop dancer since 2017
IN2U since 2018
Kprofiles author since 2020

If you have any questions or want to share new facts that I can update, please feel free to dm me on twitter or instagram: @kat__rapunzel