Hangzoo’s Tattoos & Meanings
Hangzoo (행주) is a rapper and a Rhythm Power member.
Down below you can find a full list of his tattoos as of July 2020!
Hangzoo has at least 2 known tattoos:
1. Pippen
2. Angry bull can
Hangzoo tattooed his beloved cocker spaniel dog named “Pippen” as written on the bowl full of dog treats. It’s dressed in s suit with a bow with a bowler hat. He was first seen with it in 2018.
Behind the main tattoo that is his beloved dog, Pippen is an opened food can with the face of an angry bull. He was first seen with it in 2018.
View Hangzoo Profile and Facts
made by ♡julyrose♡
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Did any of them inspire you to get your own? Do you have any more information regarding these tattoos? Maybe better quality pictures? Feel free to comment down below.