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Fuyu no Doubutsuen Members Profile and Facts

Fuyu no Doubutsuen Members Profile and Facts

Fuyu no Doubutsuen (ふゆのどうぶつえん), also known as The zoo of winter, was a Japanese girl rock band formed in 2016. They debuted on May 6, 2017 with the single “Momojirou / Genkouland ~Jijii no Shoushitsu~”. They officially disbanded on February 7, 2021 after a final live.

Fuyu no Doubutsuen Socials:
Twitter: fuyunodoubutuen
YouTube: [fuyutube]ふゆのどうぶつえん

Fuyu no Doubutsuen Members:
Shijimi (しじみ)

Position: Vocalist, Guitarist
Birthday: February 24
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Twitter: _shijimimochi_
Instagram: _shijimimochi_
YouTube: shijimimochi

Shijimi Facts:
– She is currently a member of LOVE STAR MUSIC under the name Shijimimochi (しじみもち).
– She also has an art Instagram account (_shijimimochi_e) and a Minecraft account (_shijimimochi_minecraft).
– Her fandom name is Mabmochi.
– She is also a VTuber.

Former Members:
Hitomi (ひとみ)

Positions: Vocalist, Bassist
Twitter: Rehitomic
Instagram: rehitomicc

Hitomi Facts:
– She graduated from the band on December 11, 2018.
– She currently owns the cafés/bars Pomepome Land (which has 2 branches), Pando Land and And Land, all based in Osaka.

Fuyuno Aiku (冬野あゐく)

Position: Vocalist, Guitarist
Birthday: September 30
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthplace: Hyogo, Japan
Twitter: _AiK9_
Instagram: _AiK9_

Fuyuno Aiku Facts:
– On November 26, 2020, it was announced that she would leave both Fuyu no Doubutsuen and BLACKNAZARENE due to management being unable to contact her since November 15.
– She is currently a member of LOVE STAR MUSIC under the name Aiku.
– She is also a former member of JILLASTED as Shimu Aiku.

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made by cutieyoomei

Who is your Fuyu no Doubutsuen oshi?

Related: Fuyu no Doubutsuen Discography

Latest Release:

Who is your Fuyu no Doubutsuen oshi? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below. 🙂

About the author


she/her | 15 | just writing about what I love most!