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En Butter (Boys Planet) Members Profile

En Butter (Boys Planet) Members Profile

En Butter was a temporary group formed for Boys Planet‘s Artist Battle. The group consisted of 6 members: Lee Hoe Taek, Lee Seung Hwan, Hiroto, Kum Jun Hyeon, Kim Gyu Vin and Park Gun Wook. They performed the song ‘En Garde’. Kim Gyu Vin won first place in the team with 748 points. They ranked third with 597 points and lost against Overdose.

En Butter Members Profile:
Lee Hoe Taek

Birth Name: Lee Hoe Taek (이회택)
Birth Date: August 28, 1993
Position: Leader, Main Vocal
Nationality: Korean
Company: CUBE Entertainment
FanCam: Lee Hoe Taek FanCam

Lee Seung Hwan

Birth Name: Lee Seung Hwan (이승환)
Birth Date: May 20, 2000
Position: Sub Vocal 1
Nationality: Korean
Company: Individual Trainee
FanCam: Lee Seung Hwan FanCam


Stage Name: Hiroto (히로토)
Birth Date: August 23, 2002
Position: Sub Rapper 1
Nationality: Japanese
Company: RBW Entertainment
FanCam: Hiroto FanCam

Kum Jun Hyeon

Birth Name: Kum Jun Hyeon (금준현)
Birth Date: January 15, 2004
Position: Sub Vocal 2
Nationality: Korean
Company: Redstart ENM
FanCam: Kum Jun Hyeon FanCam

Kim Gyu Vin

Birth Name: Kim Gyu Vin (김규빈)
Birth Date: August 30, 2004
Position: Main Rapper
Nationality: Korean
Company: YueHua Entertainment
FanCam: Kim Gyu Vin FanCam

Park Gun Wook

Birth Name: Park Gun Wook (박건욱)
Birth Date: January 10, 2005
Position: Sub Vocal 3, Killing Part
Nationality: Korean
Company: Jellyfish Entertainment
FanCam: Park Gun Wook FanCam

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made by nalinnie

Related: BOYS PLANET (Survival Show) Contestants Profile

Who is your favorite En Butter member?

‘En Garde’ Performance:

Who is your En Butter favorite member? Is there any missing information? Comment down below. 🙂