Comma Profile & Facts
Comma (콤마) is a member of the co-ed group BYUL, DAL who debuted on October 5, 2018 with the digital single album 궁금해.
Stage Name: Comma (콤마)
Birth Name: Han Jung-hoon (한정훈)
Position: Guitarist, Composer
Birthday: June 28, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 167 cm (5’6″)
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Comma Facts:
— He and Dalso currently live in Jeju, South Korea
— He has older sisters, who wrote and sang songs like him
— He has been writing songs since he was 18
— He’d learn playing instruments before writing songs
— He likes listening to female tones. He feels that females have their own distinct tone, “surrounding” everyone
— He easily gains musical inspiration and stimuli
— He’d like to collaborate with Yerin Baek, Yoon Jiyoung and Yusu
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