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CDL ∞ Members Profile

CDL ∞ Members Profile

CDL ∞ (シーディーエルインフィニティ)
is a 10-member trainee team under CDL Academy. The team consists of eliminated girls from iCON Z ~Dreams For Children~’s Girl Group Audition who were chosen to be trainees. Their first single was released on December 23, 2022 titled “CRASH & BURN”.

Official Accounts:
Instagram (Academy): @cdlacademy_official_ig
TikTok (LDH Records): @ldhrecords_official
TikTok (Academy): @cdlacademy
Twitter (Academy): @cdlacademy_twt
YouTube (Company): @CDL entertainment

What is the meaning of the name CDL ∞?
The meaning of it is having “infinite possibilities” where transformative expressions of genres, colors, and artworks are discovered.


Stage Name: Rino (リノ)
Birth Name: Sakaguchi Rino (坂口梨乃)
Birthday: September 1, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @rinoo__0

Rino Facts:
– She was born in Kanagawa, Japan.
– Her hobby is watching anime.
– She was in the play Love in Gate City as Mihiro, and in the play Girls’ Dreams by EXPG STUDIO YOKOHAMA.
– Rino has been dancing for 6 years, and singing for 9 years (as of July 2022).
– She appeared in episode 11 of Secret × Heroine Phantomirage! as a street dancer.
– Her favorite quote is “Be different, not superior”.
– Rino’s final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #11.
– She is currently participating on the survival show PRODUCE 101 JAPAN THE GIRLS.


Stage Name: Sora (ソラ)
Birth Name: Tsunoda Sora (角田空徠)
Birthday: March 5, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese

Sora Facts:
– She was born in Kanagawa, Japan.
– Her hobbies are researching hair and makeup, listening to music, and singing.
She was in the play Girls’ Dreams by EXPG STUDIO YOKOHAMA.
– Her favorite quote “In a world where the goal is invisible, the starting point is always, for others”.
– Sora has been dancing for 10 years and singing for 4 years (as of July 2022).
– She appeared in episode 11 of Secret × Heroine Phantomirage! as a street dancer.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #10.


Stage Name: Tsukushi (ソラ)
Birth Name: Sasaki Tsukushi (佐々木つくし)
Birthday: May 26, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @tsukushi_fabulous
TikTok: @tks___tks_
Twitter: @tsuukuusii

Tsukushi Facts:
– She was born in Iwate, Japan, and is currently from Shimane, Japan since she moved there at the age of 6.
– She became a member of the dance crew Fabulous Sisters in 2016.
– Her hobbies are keeping things organized.
– She went to Dance Studio ViVid in Fukushima.
– Tsukushi started dancing when she was 3 years old.
– She, along her team, won the World of Dance competition two years in a row.
– Tsukushi has a brother who’s 4 years older than her. She started dancing because of him.
– Her favorite quote is “Be yourself”.
– She is addicted to IZ*ONE‘s dances.
– The fashion icon she’s paying attention to is Satomi Ishihara.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #7.
– She is currently participating on the survival show PRODUCE 101 JAPAN THE GIRLS.


Stage Name: Noa (ノア)
Birth Name: Nishihara Noa (西原希亜)
Birthday: May 28, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @nnoaa_balvenus

Noa Facts:
– She was born in Saga, Japan.
– Her hobby is playing otedama.
– Noa has been dancing since she was in the 4th grade of elementary school.
– Her favorite quote is “Love myself”.
– She attends Sagakita Senior High School.
– Noa is a member of Bal Venus’s Saga Ballooners Cheerleaders
– She goes to EXPG Studio Fukuoka.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #16.


Stage Name: Riria (リリア)
Birth Name:
Tanaka Riria (田中璃莉杏)
Birthday: August 25, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 152 cm (4’9″)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese

Riria Facts:
– She was born in Tokyo, Japan.
– She appeared in Girls²’s “ダイジョウブ” music video.
– Her hobbies are making things, crafts, and other detailed works.
– Riria is apart of EXPG LAB and goes to EXPG Studio Tokyo.
– She participated in the contest WORLD OF DANCE QUALIFIER 2015.
– Riria was a backup dancer for GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE.
– Her favorite quote is “Good fortune and happiness will come to the home of those who smile”.
– Riria has been dancing for 11 years and singing for 2 years (as of July 2022).
– She was in the show Eダンスアカデミー as a competitor.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #7.


Stage Name: Shu (シュ)
Birth Name:
Maruyama Shu (丸山柊)
Birthday: November 10, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: A or O
Nationality: Japanese

Shu Facts:
– She was born in Hokkaido, Japan.
– Her hobbies are watching movies and dancing.
– Shu has been dancing for 3 years (as of July 2022).
– Her favorite quote is “Effort, continuation, smile”
– She goes to EXPG Studio Sapporo.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #13.


Stage Name: Tabatha (タバサ)
Birth Name:
Tabatha Mia Daley / Daley Tabatha Mia (デイリータバサ 海亜)
Birthday: June 3, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @tabatha_daley_

Tabatha Facts:
– She was born in Hyogo, Japan.
– Her dad is American.
– Tabatha has been doing classical ballet for 9 years (as of July 2022).
– Her hobbies are shooting vlogs.
– She takes dance classes at gpSTUDIO.
– Tabatha loves going on scary rides.
– Her favorite quote is “Believe in yourself”
– She has an older sister named Ariel.
– Tabatha goes to EXPG Studio Osaka.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #17.


Stage Name: Ayuno (アユノ)
Birth Name: Okada Ayuno (岡田あゆ乃)
Birthday: June 3, 2008
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Japanese

Ayuno Facts:
– She was born in Osaka, Japan.
– Yuno does freestyle rap battles with her family.
– She admires Justin Bieber.
– Her hobbies are singing, dancing, beauty research, and listening to songs.
– People say she impacts the atmosphere a lot with her talent.
– She’s been dancing for 2 years (as of July 2022).
– Her favorite quote is “Don’t let your guard down even after a victory”
– She goes to EXPG Studio Osaka.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #9.


Stage Name: Anon (アノン)
Birth Name: Yoshimura Anon (吉村愛奏)
Birthday: July 24, 2008
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 167 cm (5’5″)
Blood Type: –
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @anon_nonno

Anon Facts:
– She was born in Tokyo, Japan.
– Her favorite quote is “Slow and steady wins the race”.
– Anon has been dancing for 9 years (as of July 2022).
– Her hobbies are reading manga and watching anime.
– She goes to EXPG Studio Tokyo.
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #14.


Stage Name: Uno (ウノ)
Birth Name: Yanagibashi Uno (柳橋優叶)
Position: Youngest
Birthday: February 20, 2009
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Blood Type:
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @uno_pi_

Uno Facts:
– She was born in Ibaraki, Japan.
– Uno’s special skill is doing a vertical split.
– She goes to EXPG Studio Tokyo.
– Her hobbies are listening to music and dancing.
– Uno won the All Japan Super Kids Dance Contest’s elementary school team category in 2021 as part of the duo “Ansheruti”
– She appeared on the HELLO MANDY YouTube channel.
– Her favorite quote is “’Thanks’, because I am blessed to be surrounded by the people around me.
– Uno became a member of the dance team Fabulous Sisters in 2021.
– She has been taking jazz since she was in the second grade of elementary school, and has been dancing for 6 years overall (as of July 2022).
– Her final rank in iCON Z’s ~Dreams For Children~ between the girls was #6.

made by: brightliliz

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Who is your favorite CDL ∞ member?

First Release:

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