Byeolso / Rian Profile & Facts
Byeolso (별소) or Rian (리안) is a member of the co-ed group BYUL, DAL and the girl group LABEL UP. She debuted with BYUL, DAL on October 5, 2018 with the digital single 궁금해 and released the pre-debut single Beautiful Tomorrow with LABEL UP on March 25, 2020.
Stage Name: Byeolso (별소) / Rian (리안)
Birth Name: Lee Bom (이봄)
Chinese Name: Li Chun (李春)
Position: Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: May 3, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 158 cm (5’2″)
Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: labelup_rian
YouTube: LEEBOM 이봄
Byeolso / Rian Facts:
— She uses the stage name Byeolso in BYUL, DAL and Rian in LABEL UP.
— She was revealed as the last member of LABEL UP on March 18, 2019.
— The stage name Byeolso is a contraction of byeol sonyeo, which means “a girl from the star”.
— Her birth name (Bom) means “spring” in Korean.
— She likes all kinds of food, she doesn’t have a favorite.
— When promoting in Japan, she only wants to eat ramen.
— She likes listening to trot music. She has a lot of trot songs in her playlist.
— Her favorite character is Minnie Mouse.
— Her role model is Baek A Yeon. She’d like to collaborate with her and Lee Chanwon.
— She posts vocal and dance covers on her YouTube channel.
— She’s the shortest member of both BYUL, DAL and LABEL UP.
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profile made by midgehitsthrice
(Special thanks to chooalte)
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