Twice’s Iconic Lines
There were many times when Twice had incredible moments, such as their famous lines from their songs. Many of them went viral and were remembered in the Kpop history, as well are iconic. Many Kpop idols follow along the cuteness of the lovely group!
Just like these iconic lines..
Which is your favorite Twice lyrics?
'Shy Shy Shy'-Cheer Up 24%, 17049 votes
17049 votes24%
17049 votes - 24% of all votes
Isanghage (Is Sana Gay) -Heart shaker 17%, 12171 vote
12171 vote17%
12171 vote - 17% of all votes
"Fancy woo"-Fancy 17%, 11915 votes
11915 votes17%
11915 votes - 17% of all votes
" Let me see how you gon treat me, I ain’t no easy, Better think about it Twice"-Like ohh ahh 9%, 6566 votes
"I'm just like TT, Just like TT"-TT 7%, 5013 votes
5013 votes7%
5013 votes - 7% of all votes
"seollenda Me likey Me likey likey likey Me likey likey likey"-Likey 5%, 3715 votes
3715 votes5%
3715 votes - 5% of all votes
" Jjirit jjirit jjirit jjirit" – Signal 5%, 3611 votes
3611 votes5%
3611 votes - 5% of all votes
Cheer up baby Cheer up Baby!-Cheer up 4%, 2901 vote
2901 vote4%
2901 vote - 4% of all votes
"Knock Knock"-Knock Knock 2%, 1679 votes
1679 votes2%
1679 votes - 2% of all votes
Total Votes: 70022
Voters: 30491
April 8, 2020
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Credit: Iz*One
Note 1: “These are just some of the iconic lines from Twice, you can mention any other iconic line that I missed! But for now, tell me what is your favorite line! =)”