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Baidam Members Profile and Facts

Baidam Members Profile and Facts

Baidam (Байдам) (pronounced as ‘buy-duhm’) is an independent Sakha pop and folk rock band. It currently consists of 8 members: Kuoka, Ylja, Yulian, Amina, Nurgun, Katya, Alina, and Artur. It was formed in spring 2022.

Baidam SNS:
Instagram: @baidam_band

Baidam Facts:
– They were formed and are training in Serghelyakhskiye Ogni community center.
– They were collected for one singing competition among students.
– In every band competitions they had been winners.
– The band mainly performs song covers.
– They are named Baidam because they are rich (“bai”) with their possibilities to sing in every genre.
– Band members’ rotation is already planned.
– They presented their debut song “Кынаттарым” (“My Wings”) at Holbon Fest 23 on June 11, 2023.

Baidam Current Members:

Stage Name: Kuoka (Куока)
Birth Name: Nikolai Valeriyevich Struchkov (Николай Валерьевич Стручков)
Position: Leader, Drummer
Birthday: January 26, 2001
Instagram: @kuoka_s

Kuoka Facts:
– He is from Tekhtyur village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic.
– He had his own band at school.
– Graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Minerals.
– He decided forming a band in his fifth year of university education.
– He has neon lamps shop.
– He loves iceskating.
– His favorite soccer club is FC Barcelona.
– He works in a constructing company.


Stage Name: Ylja (Ылдьаa)
Birth Name: Ilya Semyonovich Ivanov (Илья Семёнович Иванов)
Birthday: August 6, 2000
Position: Electric Guitarist
Instagram: @yljastin

Ylja Facts:
– He is from Chineke village, Vilyuski district, Sakha Republic.
– He has several siblings.
– Graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Mathematics and Information Science.
– He began composing in 2015.
– He was part of rock band Erel in his school, he was a frontman.
– He was part of AYAR art station with Sartyal.
– He is a music arranger with his own music studio.
– He became a member in fall 2023.


Stage Name: Yulian (Юлиан)
Birth Name: Yulian Gaidarovich Vinokurov (Юлиан Гайдарович Винокуров)
Birthday: May 6, 2001
Position: Keyboardist
Instagram: @seiryume

Yulian Facts:
– He is from Verkhnevilyuski district, Sakha Republic.
– Graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Minerals.
– His favorite singer is John Coltrane.
– He also plays guitar.


Stage Name: Amina (Амина)
Birth Name: Amina Dmitriyevna Baisheva (Амина Дмитриевна Баишева)
Birthday: September 18, 2001
Position: Bass Guitarist
Instagram: @amina.tattoo.ykt

Amina Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic.
– Graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Literature Pedagogics.
– She and Katya were in another band named Chypchaal in 2019.
– She is member Katya’s old friend, Amina invited her to band.
– She began playing bass guitar since 14 years old and was immediately praised for her talents.
– She played for her school’s orchestra.
– She with Katya and Alina were trained under one musician teacher.
– She is a member of Ai Kuo as a bass guitarist.
– She is a tattoo artist.
– She is interested in design.


Stage Name: Nurgun (Ньургун)
Birth Name: Nurgun Aleksandrovich Everstov (Ньургун Александрович Эверстов)
Position: Rhythm Guitarist, Vocalist
Birthday: October 26, 2001
Instagram: @votsreven (privated)

Nurgun Facts:
– He is from Amginski district, Sakha Republic.
– He has an older sister.
– His mother is a teacher.
– Graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Physical Education & Sports.
– He initiated band’s forming.
– His nickname is Nurg.
– He is skilled in mas-wrestling.
– He is in Sergeleekh Sulustara ensemble.
– He loves iceskating.
– He works as a physical instructor in a center for the rehabilitation of disabled persons.
– He released his first solo song “Түүннү санаа” (“Thoughts at Night”) on February 9, 2020, the second one “Эрэнэбин эн таптыыргын” (“I Hope You Love Me”) on December 12, 2020.


Stage Name: Katya (Катя)
Birth Name: Katerina Konstantinovna Popova (Kатерина Константиновна Попова)
Birthday: October 23, 2003
Position: Violinist
Instagram: @jumsenhat

Katya Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic.
– She is a student at Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Modern Languages & International Studies, Department of Chinese Pedagogy.
– She can speak Chinese.
– Her nickname is Kats.
– She and Amina were in another band named Chypchaal in 2019. She was a drummer there.
– She is a friend of Amina.
– She with Amina and Alina were trained under one musician teacher.
– She is a sessional violinist on concerts.
– She is a member of Ai Kuo, also as a keyboardist.


Stage Name: Alina (Алина)
Birth Name: Alina Konstantinovna Zakharova (Алина Константиновна Захарова)
Birthday: March 15, 2004
Position: Vocalist, Keyboardist
Instagram: @__alina_zakharova__

Alina Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic.
– She is a student at Ammosov NEFU.
– She was the latest member to join the band’s first lineup.
– She is also in Ai Kuo as a vocalist.
– She with Katya and Amina were trained under one musician teacher.
– She can play volleyball.
– She is training her guitar skills now.


Stage Name: Artur (Артур)
Birth Name: Artur Yevgeniyevich Svinoboyev (Артур Евгеньевич Свинобоев)
Birth Year: 2005
Position: Drummer

Artur Facts:
– He is from Charang village, Ust-Aldanski district, Sakha Republic.
– He is a student at Ammosov NEFU, College of Law.
– He used to be part of Altan Kyl school band as drummer under guidance of his uncle.
– He became a member in winter 2024.

Former Member:

Stage Name: Feodosiy (Феодосий)
Birth Name: Feodosiy Arkadiyevich Yefremov (Феодосий Аркадьевич Ефремов)
Birthday: October 28, 2001
Position: Drummer, Back Vocalist
Instagram: @feoefr

Feodosiy Facts:
– He is from Yakutsk, Sakha Republic.
– He has a younger brother.
– He was the latest member to join the band’s first lineup.
– He was in Sergeleekh Sulustara ensemble.
– He loves eating rolled cakes.
– His hobby is archiving Sakha songs, he has more than 1000 songs in his archive.
– He is a multiunstrumentalist, can also play guitar, piano, and kalimba.
– He is an athlete, he also does interval hunger.
– He is a fan of old Sakha rock groups, especially Dapsy, with whom he performed on April 22, 2023.
– He does cleaning volunteer job every May 1st.
– Graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Pedagogics, with a gold medal.
– He is a student at FEFU in Vladivostok, so he couldn’t perform with the band.
– He has Crossover Eb harmonica by Marine Band Hohner, he got it after jokingly requesting it from his mother in 13 years old.

Made by Alpert
Thanks to member Kuoka for giving information about the band

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Who is your favorite in Baidam? (Choose three)

Debut song:

Latest live performance:

Who is your favorite in Baidam? Do you happen to know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below. 🙂