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Arima Emily Profile and Facts

Arima Emily Profile and Facts

Arima Emily is a Japanese screamer-songwriter who is currently a member of PassCode and the vocalist of the metalcore band SHADES. She is also a former member of LADYBABY.

Name: Arima Emily (有馬えみり)
Other Name: ARIMA
Birthday: March 7, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Hyogo, Japan
Instagram: passcode_Emily
Twitter: passcode_Emily
SoundCloud: emily-vocalist
YouTube: ARIMA有馬えみり

Arima Emily Facts:
– She joined PassCode on August 22, 2021 to replace former screamer Imada Yuna, who had retired earlier in the same month.
– Her member colour in PassCode is red.
– She joined LADYBABY on February 25, 2018 and graduated with the rest of the group on January 13, 2020, following their last live at Ebisu Liquidroom.
– She released her first digital single Armatrap on August 10, 2021.
– Her other songs including sorrowful thread, nekomimi glory and mechanical crisis feature the VOCALOID Hatsune Miku.
– She released her first lyric photobook the heart of sword on July 17, 2020.
– She has written lyrics for various artists, such as Crown PopMEWMUp Up Girls (Pro Wres)(2) and (Kakko Kari) and Suzuki Shino (member of Up Up Girls (Pro Wres)).
– She is the only member of PassCode who is not from Osaka.
– She was the tallest member of LADYBABY.
– She is a fan of the rock/metal bands Dying FetusStain The CanvasKornNirvanaMetallicaSlaughter to Prevail and Slipknot.
– She is also a fan of Dreamcatcher=LOVENiziU and IDOLiSH7.
– She posts covers on her YouTube channel and has covered songs by Bring Me The HorizonBABYMETAL, Slaughter to Prevail and Bad Omens.
– She is a quarter Australian.

made by cutieyoomei

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she/her | 15 | just writing about what I love most!