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Ai Kuo Members Profile and Facts

Ai Kuo Members Profile and Facts

Ai Kuo (Ай Куо) is a five-member independent Sakha pop rock band. The band consists of Amina, Katya, Alina, Liana, and Nastya. The band was formed in 2019 by Anatoliy Bosikov, a renowned band producer, music teacher and instrumentalist in Sakha Republic. Ai Kuo debuted in 2021.

Ai Kuo SNS:
VK: АйКуо
Instagram: @ai_kyooo

Ai Kuo Members:

Stage Name: Amina (Амина)
Birth Name: Amina Dmitriyevna Baisheva (Амина Дмитриевна Баишева)
Birthday: September 18, 2001
Position: Bass Guitarist
Instagram: @amina.baisheva (privated)

Amina Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic, and graduated from Maiya Lyceum.
– Graduated from Ammosov NEFU, Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Literature Pedagogics.
– She and Katya were in another band named Chypchaal in 2019.
– She is Katya’s old friend.
– She has been playing bass guitar since 14 years old.
– She played for her school’s orchestra.
– She is also a member of Baidam.
– She is a tattoo artist.
– She is interested in design.


Stage Name: Katya (Катя)
Birth Name: Katerina Konstantinovna Popova (Kатерина Константиновна Попова)
Birthday: October 23, 2003
Position: Violinist, Keyboardist
Instagram: @jumsenhat

Katya Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic, and graduated from Maiya Lyceum.
– She is a student at Ammosov NEFU, Institute of Modern Languages & International Studies, Department of Chinese Pedagogy.
– She can speak Chinese.
– Her nickname is Kats.
– She and Amina were in another band named Chypchaal in 2019. She was a drummer there.
– She is a friend of Amina.
– She is a sessional violinist on concerts.
– She is also a member of Baidam.


Stage Name: Alina (Алина)
Birth Name: Alina Konstantinovna Zakharova (Алина Константиновна Захарова)
Birthday: March 15, 2004
Position: Vocalist, Producer
Instagram: @__alina_zakharova__

Alina Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic, and graduated from Maiya Lyceum.
– She is a student at Ammosov NEFU.
– She is also a member of Baidam.
– She can play volleyball.
– She has braces.
– She was a bass guitarist before Amina had joined.
– She graduated from lyceum with gold medal.
– Her favorite Sakha singer is Umsuura.


Stage Name: Liana (Лиана)
Birth Name: Liana Romanovna Tumusova (Лиана Романовна Тумусова)
Birthday: March 30, 2006
Position: Drummer
Instagram: @litumusova (privated)
YouTube: tumi

Liana Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic, and graduated from Maiya Lyceum.
– She is skilled in IT.
– She also can play synthesizer.


Stage Name: Nastya (Настя)
Birth Name: Anastasiya Petrovna Neustroyeva (Анастасия Петровна Неустроева)
Birthday: September 16, 2006
Position: Electric Guitarist, Back Vocalist
Instagram: @apneustroeva (privated)

Nastya Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic, and graduated from Maiya Lyceum.
– She is a student at Ammosox NEFU, Faculty of Law.
– She is skilled in public speaking.
– She listens to classic rock songs.
– Her favorite color is brown.
– She is a younger daughter of Sakha singer Veronika Casablanca.

Former Member:

Stage Name: Karina (Карина)
Birth Name: Karina Dmitriyevna Nikolayeva (Карина Дмитриевна Николаева)
Birthday: December 17, 2004
Position: Violinist, Keyboardist

Karina Facts:
– She is from Maiya village, Meghino-Kangalasski district, Sakha Republic, and graduated from Maiya Lyceum.
– She graduated from lyceum with gold medal.
– Her older brother is also a keyboardist, who played in previous band Yi Suola by Anatoliy Bosikov.

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