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Imma Profile and Facts

Imma Profile: Imma Facts and Ideal Type

Imma (今)
is a Japanese virtual CGI model created by ModelingCafe.

Stage Name: Imma (今)
Birth Name: Imma (今)
Birthday: July 12th, 2018
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: Doesn’t have one
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @imma.gram
Twitter: @imma_tw
Zepeto ID: 0JEP4P

Imma Facts:
– She is a CGI virtual model and often gets confused for being a real person.
– She was revealed to the world on July 12th, 2018.
– There were mixed feelings about her being a virtual model, some loved the idea while others didn’t like the idea.
– She loves Japanese culture.
– Imma is named after the Japanese word “ima,” meaning “now”.
– Each of Imma’s images are rendered by transposing her 3D animated head onto a live-action body and background.
– She has been on the cover of CGWorld magazine.
– She is known for her uber-cool, street style photos.
– She participated in a makeup spread for Kate Cosmetics in Vice’s i-D Japan.
– She has a brother named Zinn (@plusticboy).

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profile by Y00N1VERSE

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About the author


Hi! My name is Kylie, but you can call me Kye for short if that's easier (I was formerly known as suga.topia). I'm 22 and have been an author since May 2018. I try to update profiles when I can, but sometimes it's hard to keep up due to house work and personal things in my life. If you need to contact me, my IG is: @y00n1verse (please be kind in my DM's or I most likely won't respond to you).