CIX: Who is Who?
Debut EP Album: Hello Chapter 1: Hello, Stranger {July 23, 2019}
2nd EP Album: Chapter 2: Hello, Strange Place {November 19, 2019}
1st Single: Revival {March 31, 2020}
3rd EP Album:Chapter 3: Hello, Strange Time {October 27, 2020}
4th EP Album: Chapter 0. Hello, Strange Dream {February 2, 2021}
5th EP Album: All For You {April 14, 2021}
2nd Single Album: TESSERACT {July 1, 2021}
1st Full Album: ‘OK’ Prologue: Be OK {August 17, 2021}
1st Full Japanese Album: Pinky Swear {March 30, 2022}
Related: CIX’s Discography
CIX’s Profile
What CIX Era Had the Best Styling? 3rd EP Album:Chapter 3: Hello, Strange Time {October 27, 2020} 17%, 55 votes
55 votes 17%
55 votes - 17% of all votes
1st Full Album: 'OK' Prologue: Be OK {August 17, 2021} 17%, 55 votes
55 votes 17%
55 votes - 17% of all votes
2nd Single Album: TESSERACT {July 1, 2021} 16%, 53 votes
53 votes 16%
53 votes - 16% of all votes
1st Full Japanese Album: Pinky Swear {March 30, 2022} 15%, 50 votes
50 votes 15%
50 votes - 15% of all votes
Debut EP Album: Hello Chapter 1: Hello, Stranger {July 23, 2019} 9%, 31 vote
31 vote 9%
31 vote - 9% of all votes
4th EP Album: Chapter 0. Hello, Strange Dream {February 2, 2021} 9%, 31 vote
31 vote 9%
31 vote - 9% of all votes
5th EP Album: All For You {April 14, 2021} 6%, 21 vote
21 vote 6%
21 vote - 6% of all votes
2nd EP Album: Chapter 2: Hello, Strange Place {November 19, 2019} 5%, 18 votes
18 votes 5%
18 votes - 5% of all votes
1st Single: Revival {March 31, 2020} 4%, 14 votes
14 votes 4%
14 votes - 4% of all votes
Total Votes: 328
August 17, 2022
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