What Is Your Favorite K-pop Song Titled “Heart Attack”?
Heart attack, in this scenario, means your heart got mentally attacked because of someone you love. Now, which are your favorite songs named heart attack ?
AOA’s Heart Attack
BTOB’s Heart Attack
EXO’s Heart Attack
LOONA’s Heart Attack (츄)
Monsta X’s Heart Attack
SHINee’s Heart Attack
VERIVERY’s Heart Attack
What Is Your Favorite K-pop Song Titled “Heart Attack”? (Pick Up To 3) Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. LOONA's Heart Attack (츄) 43%, 2533 votes
2533 votes 43%
2533 votes - 43% of all votes
SHINee's Heart Attack 16%, 939 votes
939 votes 16%
939 votes - 16% of all votes
Monsta X's Heart Attack 15%, 860 votes
860 votes 15%
860 votes - 15% of all votes
EXO's Heart Attack 11%, 652 votes
652 votes 11%
652 votes - 11% of all votes
AOA's Heart Attack 11%, 641 vote
641 vote 11%
641 vote - 11% of all votes
VERIVERY's Heart Attack 3%, 193 votes
193 votes 3%
193 votes - 3% of all votes
BTOB's Heart Attack 2%, 97 votes
97 votes 2%
97 votes - 2% of all votes
Total Votes: 5915
Voters: 4479
September 19, 2021
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Am I missing any songs? What are your top 3 songs titled heart attack ? Comment below!