Yubin Jo Profile & Facts
Yubin Jo (조유빈) is a South Korean singer and songwriter who debuted on March 12, 2025 with the single album “일렁이는 파도에 (Into the rippling waves).”
Stage Name / Birth Name: Jo Yu-bin (조유빈)
Birthday: N/A
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Chinese Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
MBTI Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Yubin Jo Facts:
— She actively took part in composition, arrangement and production for her debut single “일렁이는 파도에 (Into the rippling waves).”
— Said song is about different kinds of breakups, how sometimes they’re hard to accept and how, “one day, one can tell their loved one how they’ve been precious to one another.”
— She shares the same birth name as Cho Yubeen (ex PinkFantasy) among others.
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