Poll: Who is your favorite Canadian Kpop idol?
NOTE: This poll is only meant to express personal preferences and is not meant to bash anyone. Please be kind and respectful.
Who is your favorite Canadian idol? Mark (NCT) 31%, 2265 votes
2265 votes 31%
2265 votes - 31% of all votes
Keeho (P1Harmony) 25%, 1840 votes
1840 votes 25%
1840 votes - 25% of all votes
SOMI 19%, 1414 votes
1414 votes 19%
1414 votes - 19% of all votes
Kevin (THE BOYZ) 13%, 962 votes
962 votes 13%
962 votes - 13% of all votes
Jacob (THE BOYZ) 9%, 627 votes
627 votes 9%
627 votes - 9% of all votes
Other 4%, 259 votes
259 votes 4%
259 votes - 4% of all votes
Total Votes: 7367
Voters: 4361
February 16, 2023
You or your IP had already vote.
NOTE 1: Any idol who is not born in Canada will NOT be added to the options of this poll, even if they lived there for a while.
NOTE 2: K-RNB and K-Hip-Hop artists are not an option as the title states ‘Canadian Kpop idol‘.
Made by deobitamin