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Subin (Former IRION Girls & Botopass) Profile and Facts

Subin Profile and Facts
Subin (수빈) is a former member of IRION Girls, and also a former member of Botopass under the stage name Shiho.

Stage Name: Subin (수빈)
Birth Name: Kwon Su Bin (권수빈)
Birthday: August 22, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Snake
Height: –
Blood Type:
Nationality: Korean

Subin Facts:
– She was the second member of Botopass to be revealed on July 15, 2020.
– Nicknames: Baby Tiger, Baby Wolf
– She was a volleyball player in high school.
– She and Ahyoon have the same name
– She can imitate a wolf
– She and Jiwon prefers dripping tangcurou in the sauce instead pouring the sauce on it
– Hobby: Watching mukbangs 2 hours a day
– Favorite colors: Pink, pastel toned pink and yellow
– Role model: Oh My Girl
– Her shoe size is 240 mm
– Her soulfood: She likes to eat everything
– Favorite karaoke song: 10CM “concert”
– First impression of Jiwon: “Oh she is so good. Compared to her i’m just a small frog in a small well” (She listened Jiwon singing)
– The biggest reason to Subin get into the company was Jiwon, because Jiwon offered the audition to a Subin’s friend and suggested Subin to go with, so Subin followed her and joined the company.
– Subin is a stay-home type, home is her favorite place
– Her biggest appeal: She heard that her eyes are really pretty and her nails grow really pretty
– She want to do in her ear more 2 holes, to make a total of 9.
– For Subin, Jiwon (Botopass member) was like a mom.
– She don’t have a way to releive stress
– Have a wall beside to her bed, before sleep, she look the wall and lie on the right, and then stick to the wall, and sleep with the face sticking to the wall, it helps her to sleep well.
– For her the most memorable moment in Botopass records was when they did their first broadcast that the staffs appeared with one surprise cake

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Post By Jeong Viien

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