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Star★Cosμ’n Members Profile and Facts

Star★Cosμ’n Members Profile and Facts

Star★Cosμ’n (輝星★Cosμ’n; pronounced Star Cosmune) is an upcoming 9-member Japanese girl group under TOY Planet*. They were formed on January 18, 2023 as 8 and made their pre-debut stage debut from February 3-5, 2023. They are the first group of the Star★Shiμ’ne!!! project.

Star★Cosμ’n SNS
Instagram: star_cosmune
Twitter: star_cosmune

Star★Cosμ’n Members:
SUZU / Tachibana Suzu

Colour: Uju Blue
Birthday: March 1, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Mie, Japan
Height: 156 cm (5’1″)
Instagram: __xx.su31__
Twitter: T_suzu__O31
TikTok: suzu_o31

Tachibana Suzu Facts:
– She is also a member of Star☆FioreNerd.
– Her special skill is that she can drink soy milk quickly.
– Her nicknames are SUZU and Suu-chan.

KANON / Suenaga Kano

Colour: Magenta Pink
Birthday: April 27, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 160 cm (5’3″)
Blood Type: B
Instagram: kano_suenaga
Twitter: kano_suenaga

Suenaga Kano Facts:
– She is also a member of LOVE♡STAR☆COSMIC.
– She is a former member of TOY SMILEY and Star☆FioreNerd.
– She was expelled from Star☆FioreNerd on March 9, 2020 for no reason. She later rejoined on April 4, 2021 and graduated on September 22, 2022.
– Her nickname is Kanonon.

RIRI / Hanagi Riri

Colour: Jade Green
Birthday: October 22
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Twitter: hanagiriri_luna
TikTok: ririchinn_1022
Facebook: 花凪梨理Official
Instagram: 1022_ririchinn
YouTube: 梨理&KARA ‘s Channel

Hanagi Riri Facts:
– She is also a member of All in One and Luna Crescente.
– She is a cosplayer.
– She is from Taiwan.

KIRA / Takahashi Kira

Colour: Marshmallow White
Birthday: January 14, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 156 cm (5’1″)
Blood Type: O
Twitter: Kira_Takahashi
Instagram: kira_takahashi_official

Takahashi Kira Facts:
– She is also a member of Star☆FioreNerd.
– She was a member of AKB48’s Baito AKB. She was also a draftee of Team B from AKB48’s 2nd Draft Kaigi. She graduated on March 11, 2017.
– Her nicknames are KIRA and Kirarin
– Her hobbies are watching TV and collecting chocolate wrappers.
– Her charm point is her big eyes.
– She likes P.E but dislikes Maths and English.
– She likes making things and dislikes cleaning up.
– Her strengths are being gutsy and not giving up.
– Her weaknesses are going easy on herself, being stubborn and being poor with time management.
– She owns a cat.


Colour: Yellow
Birthday: June 27
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: B
Twitter: abab_abab_0
Instagram: abab_abab_0
TikTok: abab_abab
YouTube: こがちゃんちゃん
Website: kogatyantyan.com

Kogachanchan Facts:
– She is a popular TikToker, with over 450,000 followers and over 16 million likes.
– She debuted solo on July 4, 2021 with the digital single “Empath”.
– She is also a member of LOVE♡STAR☆COSMIC.
– She is a former member of Hikicomoteikoku.
– She won the Pop Icon Award in the Miss iD 2022 contest.

YOUYOU/ Xiaoling Yuyu

Colour: Violet Purple
Birth Name: Mao QiYu (毛其羽)
Other Name: YOUYOU
Birthday: December 1, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Shanghai, China
Height: 164 cm (5’5″)
Blood Type: O
Twitter: OvOyouU
Weibo: Ko7non

Xiaoling Yuyu Facts:
– She is a former member of BEJ48 (2nd generation) and IDOLS Ft.
– Her skill is speaking Japanese.
– Her hobbies are listening to music, watching Kamen Rider & JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and collecting dolls and cute things.


Colour: Cherry Red
Birthday: November 6, 1996
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 158 cm (5’2″)
Blood Type: A
Instagram: icequeeniiz
Twitter: icezu_official
Twitch: icequeeniiz
TikTok: icequeeniiz
Facebook: ice.siamdream
YouTube: icequeeniiz

Ice Facts:
– She is a former member of Siam☆Dream.
– She is a former pre-debut member of AKIRA-KURØ under the name Aiko.
– She likes cats, cute pink things, Pokemon, playing games, dancing, and listening to heavy music.
– She dislikes heights, flames, deep water and being misunderstood.
– She auditioned for Last Idol Thailand, her audition number was 93.
– She was a finalist for SECRET12, but didn’t make it into the group.
– She auditioned for A-MUSE.

HANABI / Hanabi Sakuno

Colour: Ulysses Blue (?)
Birthday: April 6
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Blood Type:
Twitter: hanabi_sakuno
Instagram: hanabi_sakuno

Hanabi Sakuno Facts:
– She was revealed on July 1, 2023.
– She can speak Japanese and Thai (she wrote in Thai on her Instagram story).

Trainee Member:
Sorano Hina

Colour: Sunny Orange
Birthday: May 12
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Saitama, Japan
Height: 155 cm (5’1″)
Blood Type: O
Instagram: hina_solano
Twitter: hina_solano / hina_s_0426

Sorano Hina Facts:
– She was revealed on June 13, 2023.
– She is a former 2nd generation member of Zero Project.

Former Member:
Homura Yuuka

Colour: Baby Orange
Birthday: January 12, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 162 cm (5’3¾”)
Blood Type: A
Twitter: pomura_kirafore
Instagram: popopom_y

Homura Yuuka Facts:
– She is a former member of Niji no Conquistador, ENGAG.ING and Kirameki☆Unforent.
– Her nicknames are Pomu and Yuuka-chan.
– She was transferred to Star☆ShiNew’ on March 28, 2023.

Nagata Minari

Colour: Sky Blue
Birthday: December 17, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: Yamaguchi, Japan
Twitter: minari_nagata
Instagram: minari_nagata

Nagata Minari Facts:
– She is a former founding member of Niji no Conquistador.
– She is a former member of w-Street Fukuoka and Kirameki☆Unforent.
– Her departure was announced on May 3, 2023 due to her mental and physical condition.

Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. If you need/want to use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! 🙂 – Kprofiles.com

Note 2: The members are listed in the order in which they were revealed, as some members’ birthday is unknown.

made by cutieyoomei

Who is your Star★Cosμ'n oshi?

Who is your Star★Cosμ’n oshi? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below. 🙂

About the author


she/her | 15 | just writing about what I love most!