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Song Hayoung (fromis_9) Profile

Song Hayoung (fromis_9) Profile and Facts:

Song Hayoung
is a member of the South Korean girl group fromis_9 under PLEDIS Entertainment.

Name: Song Ha Young (송하영)
Birthday: September 29, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Height: 164 cm (5’5”)
Weight: 45.6 kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Instagram: shy9_29
Representative Emoji: 🐹

Song Hayoung Facts:
– She is from Gwangju, South Korea.
– Family: Parents, an older sister (born in 1996), a younger brother (born in 2000).
– Education: Hanlim Multi Art High School, Practical Dance Department Badge 5th (Alumni) (That`s why she talks to Saerom in formal way and calls her “Unnie”. Because Saerom is her senior)
– Childhood Nickname: Song A-Ji (puppy) (Vlive) and In Idol School, her nickname was Mal-Babo (because she can’t talk properly) (Idol School), she also has the nickname HaBBang.
– Unnies line (Saerom, Hayoung, and Gyuri) cry the most and also cry easily.
– She says that she wants to develop her composing and singing. (CECI Interview)
– The whole Fromis_9 loves teasing Hayoung.
– She and Jiwon have they own composer team called “Dam-Dam”.
– She has composed songs before.
– She trained and participated in hip-hop dance competitions in the past.
– Favorite Music Genre: Acoustic.
– Favorite Color: Pastel, Yellow and Sky Blue.
– She composed her first song at 9 years old. The song is about blankets.
– Hayoung ranked 2nd in Idol School with 71,549 votes.
– Hayoung’s Lunar calendar birthday is on August 28th, and the most interesting thing is that her big sister and her little brother have the same Lunar calendar birthday. When they were young, they would have a birthday party together.
– She is a songwriter, as well as playing the guitar. She has composed her own songs since the second grade and she usually writes her own songs almost every day. As a child, she participated in a lot of competitions simultaneously. She composed her first song at the age of 9, and the song was about blankets.
– She has a flexible body and can do splits, like Saerom. She even has a Flying Yoga Level 3 certificiate.
– She’s trained and participated in Hip-Hop dance competitions in the past.
– She has a dog of Border Collie.
– She is really liked shrimp, but she recently developed a crustacean allergy.
– Her favorite foods are bone soup, beef, and cheese sweet potato burritos.
– She has a habit of sniffing to know the scent of soap or beauty products.
– Her looks make her look younger than her actual age.
– She thinks her charming point is her skin.
– She have ten cats in her home.
– She loves to cook but the other members doubted it, even though she’s good at it.
– Favorite Food: Cheese sweet potato burrito, bone soup, and beef.
– She has a habit of sniffing to know the aroma of soap or beauty products.
– She is very sporty and have a good balance sense.
– She has a flexible body so can do splits.
– She has a yoga instructor license.
– She can jump backwards and her record is 90 cm.
– She often cooks things like kimchi fried rice and soybean paste stew for Lee Seoyeon.
– If she could switch voices with any of the members, she would pick Park Jiwon.
– She likes bob cut hair but she’s too scared to cut it short because she worked hard to get it long.
Motto: “Don’t forget what’s the most important and let’s do the best.
– Hayoung’s ideal type: Someone who only has her in his heart.”

Welcome to Heal Inn (VLIVE, 2018)

TV Shows:
Idol School (Mnet, 2017)
My Little Television Season 2
The King Of Masked Singer

Profile made by: “felipe grin§”
Additional information provided by ST1CKYQUI3TT, Ario Febrianto, Renshuxii, Leanne Evans

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Fancam from “FUN” Era:

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About the author

felipe grin§

Ig: @fefeennn / X: @felipe__grin

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