Shin Insun Profile & Facts
Shin Insun (신인선) is a South Korean trot singer and musical actor under Big Culture Entertainment. He made his stage debut on November 10, 2016 and his singing debut on April 9, 2019
Stage Name / Birth Name: Shin Insun (신인선)
Birthday: July 3, 1991
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 182 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 73 kg (160 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean
Daum Café: pppoad
Shin Insun Facts:
— He was born in Seoul, South Korea
— His father is Shin Ginam (b. 1952), a lawyer under Hanseo firm and the President of the Committee for information in libraries since April 2018
— His mother is named Kim Eunju
— His older brother, Shin Junsun (b. 1987), is a lawyer as well
— He also has an older sister, Shin Haneul (b. 1985?)
— His paternal aunt is Shin Sunhee (b. 1945), a theater actress and a chair professor at Seoul Cyber University who also wrote two books
— His paternal grandfather, Shin Sangmook (1915-84), was a police officer
— Education: Seoul Institute of the Arts
— He was a contestant of Mister Trot
Shin Insun Musicals:
현의 노래 | 2016
2017 정동극장 | 2017
Turandot | 2017, 2018 and 2019
아듀, 2017! 뮤지컬 갈라 콘서트| 2017
다이노코어 시즌2 | 2018 (4 performances)
하성호와 서울팝스 32주년 기념음악회 | 2020
내일은 <미스터트롯> 전국투어콘서트 | 2020
Mozart! (10th anniversary) | 2020
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Latest comeback:
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