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Sean (Ex ChoCo) Profile and Facts

Sean (Ex ChoCo) Profile and Facts

Sean (션)
was a member of ChoCo and its sub-unit ChoCo1 under Choco Entertainment.

Stage Name: Sean (션)
Birth Name: Bohme Sean Yul (보미)
Birthday: September 1, 2010
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Blood Type:
MBTI Type:
Nationality: Canadian-Irish-Korean

Sean Facts:
– His older sister is Bohme Sara.
– Sean is currently living with his dad, who has moved to Canada for work, because he doesn’t want to be separated from him, and is attending school there for a few months, during which time he hasn’t been actively involved with the team. Given that he has been inactive for six months and his name is not on Choco’s official Instagram bio, it is likely that he has left the team.
– He said that he might have a girlfriend (June 2023).
– Sean plays bass, guitar, and the piano.
– It appears that he has left ChoCo Entertainment.

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Profile made by Louu

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Related: ChoCoChoco1

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Hiii ! I'm an author since 2021, i've been a kpop fan since 2020 and then i started getting interested in cpop, jpop, ppop and tpop. I also watch kdramas. Some of my ults are Wonho and Ghost9.