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Say Sue Me Members Profile

Say Sue Me Members Profile

Say Sue Me (세이수미) is a South Korean band based in Busan and currently consisting of Choi SumiKim Byunggyu and Ha Jaeyoung. They’re under Electric Muse (South Korea), Damnably (UK) and Tugboat Records (Japan). They formed in 2012 and officially debuted on October 2, 2014 with the album We’ve Sobered Up.

Say Sue Me Fandom Name: 
Say Sue Me Official Colors: 

Say Sue Me Official Accounts:
Website: saysueme.bandcamp.com
Facebook: Say Sue Me
Twitter: SaySueMe
Instagram: saysueme

Members Profiles:
Choi Sumi

Birth Name: Choi Sumi (최수미)
Position: Vocalist, Rhythm Guitarist
Birthday: April 28, 1989
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean

Choi Sumi Facts:
— Original member
— She’s also in charge of songwriting
— She sings both in Korean and in English, but she finds singing in Korean harder as she feels more “exposed”
— The other original members, when they met her, liked her speaking voice and immediately offered her a spot as the vocalist in the band
— She said she doesn’t know what attracted her to music and that she thinks they were all drawn to music just by their primitive instincts
— She thinks it’s nice to be part of festivals with other musicians
— She seems to like looking back into the past because whatever happened in the past made her what she is now and, even if she has a hard time, she feels like she has the power to go forward
— She believes the reason why people call their music “surf rock” is probably due to the characteristics of their sound
— She once explained that they use reverb in a wrong way to make the sound of old spring reverb better
— Her lyrics mostly come from her complaint about herself and her daily issues, but she also likes praising the things she loves
— She usually finds lyric material from her diary
— Even though she’s not fluent in English, she believes that it’s hard to change a habit that has been set from the beginning (referring to her writing in English)
— She said that, since they don’t use many difficult English words and sentences, their English lyrics seem to be accepted, though not as much as their Korean lyrics

Kim Byunggyu

Birth Name: Kim Byunggyu (김병규)
Position: Lead Guitarist
Birthday: 1986
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean

Kim Byunggyu Facts:
— Original member
— He and Jaeyoung are close friends since when they were in elementary school
— He’s the one who set the band’s musical direction and is seen as their natural leader
— Like many other composers, he usually plays an acoustic guitar while humming a melody. When he finds out a good one, he writes a song around it. This was a staple for the group’s early songwriting
— Now, when he has to compose a song, he starts from a certain concept, which means that he starts the arranging process from scratch

Ha Jaeyoung

\Birth Name: Ha Jaeyoung (하재영)
Position: Bassist
Birthday: 1986
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean

Ha Jaeyoung Facts:
— Original member
— He and Byunggyu are close friends since they were in elementary school
— He’s a former member of Ujunongdam

Former Members:
Kim Changwon

Birth Name: Kim Changwon (김창원)
Position: Drummer
Birthday: N/A
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean

Kim Changwon Facts:
— He joined the band in 2017 to replace Semin
— The other members met him online for the first time
— He left the band on June 8, 2019 for unclear reasons


Stage Name: Casey (케이시)
Birth Name: Casey McKeever
Position: Drummer, Sound Engineer
Birthday: N/A
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: American

Casey Facts:
— He was a touring member
— He filled in the drummer position for a brief period after Semin could no longer continue with the band and until Changwon’s arrival
— He’s a part of the band Barbie Dolls.

Member for Eternity:
Kang Semin

\Birth Name: Kang Semin (강세민)
Position: Drummer
Birthday: 1980
Zodiac Sign: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean

Kang Semin Facts:
— Original member
— He, Byunggyu and Jaeyoung were childhood friends
— In 2016, he had a severe accident in which he fractured his skull and fell in a semi-comatose state. For this reason, he could no longer continue with the band. His fellow members, as well as other indie bands from Busan, raised over 13 million won in a day to help pay for his medical bills
— The band’s EP Semin, released on April 22, 2017, was named after him
— Unfortunately, he passed away on October 12, 2019

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profile made by midgehitsthrice

(Special thanks to Handi Suyadi)

Who is your Say Sue Me bias?

Latest comeback:



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About the author


Hello everybody! You can call me Midge here. I've been an author on KProfiles since November 2019.

I like finding nugu (=super underrated) K-Pop artists. I think I've found some of the nuguest artists I could come across.

Unfortunately, I tend to be extremely forgetful and a master procrastinator, so I apologize for that.

I have a long-*ss bias list, so I don't think it can fit here.

Be nice and enjoy!