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PSYDOLL Members Profile

PSYDOLL Members Profile

PSYDOLL (Psycho-Doll) are a Japanese cyberpunk band formed in Tokyo in 1997. They incorporate industrial and electropop with cyberpunk imagery, musical and lyrical content. They gained attention in the UK when they played at the Beyond the Veil gothic festival in Leeds in 2003. They released their first album “Illumidia” in Japan in 1997.

PSYDOLL Socials:
Bandcamp: psydoll.bandcamp.com
Twitter: PSYDOLL
Facebook: Psyber.Psydoll
Website: psydoll.com
SoundCloud: PSYDOLL

PSYDOLL Members:

Also known as: Rutoto Nekoi
Positions: Vocalist, Keyboardist
Twitter: NekoiRutoto
Instagram: nekoipsydoll
Facebook: Nekoi Psydoll

Nekoi Facts:
– She is a manga artist, and does illustrations for a manga named Taiererusha (たいれる社).
– She also writes PSYDOLL’s music.
Story section from PSYDOLL’s website:She is the single PSYDOLL created in private by the the programmer who has been praised for his miracle in programming of early female PSYDOLL models. Nekoi was created based on the images as if that programmer’s late daughter, who actually passed away at her age of 10, have grown up. However, since the programmer also used brain and optic nerves of his daughter’s cat in creating Nekoi, she is extremely emotional and sometimes even meaningless in expression of her feelings. She cannot control her voice tones either like her feelings. Words from her bottom of heart always confuse people.”
– According to her Facebook, she studied Science of Design at Musashino Art University.


Position: Guitarist
Twitter: ucchiMadShark
Instagram: ucchi_psydoll

Ucchi Facts:
– He also does arranging for the group.
Story section from PSYDOLL’s website:He is one of the early PSYDOLL models manufactured by one Japanese company in its hidden Okhotsk laboratory in early 80’s. Due to systematic trouble in his safety control portion, he is unable to control himself when exposed to heavy duty sounds like originated by guitar or bass. After he had killed and wounded several people in its testing stage, he ran away and hid out in the city of Tokyo. Thereafter, he supported several bands and finally banded a band, so-called PSYDOLL, with Nekoi.”

Former Member:

Birth Name: Yoshinori Uenoyama (上野山 吉則)
Positions: Digital Percussion, Drummer

Loveless Facts:
– He joined the band in summer 1999.
– The time he left is unknown, but it is believed to be sometime around 2011.

made by cutieyoomei

Who is your PSYDOLL oshi?

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About the author


she/her | 15 | just writing about what I love most!