Home » Kpop - Who Wore it Better? » Poll: Who wore it better? Seungyeon (CLC) or Léa (Secret Number)

Poll: Who wore it better? Seungyeon (CLC) or Léa (Secret Number)

Poll: Who wore it better? Seungyeon (CLC) or Léa (Secret Number)

Both of the girls wore After Party Tank in Silver from Fraiser Sterling that costs 195.00$.

Link to the product

CLC‘s Seungyeon

Seungyeon wore this piece of clothing in an Instagram post she made on September 17, 2020.

Secret Number‘s Léa

Léa wore this piece of clothing on June 9 2020 while performing their debut track “Who Dis?” on “The Show”

Post by hein

Who wore it better: Seungyeon (CLC) vs Léa (Secret Number)

Who wore it better? Seungyeon (CLC) vs Léa (Secret Number)? Feel free to vote in the poll or comment below.