Note: This poll is for fun only. It has not serious purpose or any bad attention. Ships are not to be taken romantically but in a friendly way. It’s okay if you don’t like any ship but please be respectful.
Which is your favorite BADVILLAIN ship?
Unnies (Emma & Chloe Young) 20%, 118 votes
118 votes20%
118 votes - 20% of all votes
VINA (INA & Vin) 14%, 81 vote
81 vote14%
81 vote - 14% of all votes
June Line (INA & Kelly) 6%, 37 votes
37 votes6%
37 votes - 6% of all votes
Bangseolz (HU'E & YunSeo) 5%, 32 votes
32 votes5%
32 votes - 5% of all votes
EmNa (Emma & INA) 5%, 31 vote
31 vote5%
31 vote - 5% of all votes
NaYoung (Chloe Young & INA) 5%, 30 votes
30 votes5%
30 votes - 5% of all votes
Dance Line (Emma & Chloe Young & INA) 5%, 27 votes