Poll: What’s Your Favourite K-Pop Song Containing The Word ‘VILLAIN’?
Many K-Pop songs have the word ‘VILLAIN’ in their titles, but which one is your favourite? Vote in the poll below!
cignature’s VILLAIN
DRIPPIN’s Villain
Girls’ Generation’s Villain
KEY’s Villain (feat. JENO)
PIXY’s Villain
Stella Jang’s Villain
Which song is your favourite? (choose 2) Girls' Generation's Villain 32%, 1534 votes
1534 votes 32%
1534 votes - 32% of all votes
DRIPPIN's Villain 29%, 1395 votes
1395 votes 29%
1395 votes - 29% of all votes
(G)I-DLE's VILLAIN DIES 21%, 992 votes
992 votes 21%
992 votes - 21% of all votes
K/DA's VILLAIN 6%, 282 votes
282 votes 6%
282 votes - 6% of all votes
PIXY's Villain 5%, 227 votes
227 votes 5%
227 votes - 5% of all votes
KEY's Villain (feat. JENO) 4%, 170 votes
170 votes 4%
170 votes - 4% of all votes
AleXa's VILLAIN 3%, 121 vote
121 vote 3%
121 vote - 3% of all votes
Stella Jang's Villain 2%, 83 votes
83 votes 2%
83 votes - 2% of all votes
cignature's VILLAIN 1%, 25 votes
25 votes 1%
25 votes - 1% of all votes
Total Votes: 4829
Voters: 2866
August 25, 2023
You or your IP had already vote.
Made by salemstars
Is there any songs missing? Feel free to comment below! 😊