ONOMATSURI Members Profile
ONOMATSURI (오노마츠리), short for Oni no matsuri (鬼の祭り) is a live idol duo based in South Korea. The group consists of: Hira and Iru. The members were revealed on August 26th, 2024. They made their live debut on September 13th, 2024 at “Oni Festival, the first story“
ONOMATSURI Name Meaning: Oni Festival (鬼の祭り)
ONOMATSURI Concept: “Preparing for the Oni Festival (준비중/鬼祭りを準備中)”
ONOMATSURI Official Symbol(s): (Izakaya Lantern),
(Carp Streamer)
ONOMATSURI Official Fandom Name: Omamori (오마모리)
ONOMATSURI Official Color(s): White, Pink
ONOMATSURI Official Logo:
Youtube: 鬼の祭り오노마츠리
Gmail: onomatsuriii@gmail.com
ONOMATSURI Member Profiles:
Stage Name: Hira (히라)
Birth Name: N/A
Position(s): N/A
Birthdate: July 25
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji(s): (Wind Chime)
Representative Color: White
X(Twitter): @OMATSU_HIRA
TwitCasting: @Yumeine_Hira
Hira Facts:
– She’s described as ONOMATSURI‘s “Fuuring Beginning’s Oni Hira-Chi (시작의 후우링 오니 히라치)”
– Her member hashtags are #히라가나라다 (#HiragaNarada) and #히라시 (#HiraSi)
– Her member phrase is “다들 잘 부탁해요?”
– She’s a former member of Yumeine.
– Nickname(s): Hira-Chi (히라치)
– She’s friends with Shokuma‘s Sen because they were both members of Yumeine.
Stage Name: Iru (이루)
Birth Name: N/A
Position(s): N/A
Birthdate: February 22
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Blood Type: N/A
Nationality: Korean
Representative Emoji(s): (Candy)
Representative Color: Pink
X(Twitter): @OMATSU_IRU
TwitCasting: @OMATSU_IRU
Iru Facts:
– She’s described as ONOMATSURI‘s “Sweet Fantasy’s Oni Iru-Ming (달콤한 환상의 오니 이루밍)”
– Her member hashtags are #이루가이루밍 (#IruGairuming), #아마이루(#AmaIru), and #이루시 (#IruSi)
– Her member phrase is “달달한게 제일 좋아! 너는?”
– Nickname(s): Iru-Yong (이루용), Iru-Ming (이루밍)
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