Most Popular Songs When Each CRAVITY Member Was Born
Serim (March 3rd, 1999)
Monica’s Angel Of Mine
Allen (April 26th, 1999)
TLC’s No Scrubs
Jungmo (February 5th, 2000)
Savage Garden’s I Knew I Loved You
Woobin (October 16th, 2000)
Madonna’s Music
Wonjin (March 22nd, 2001)
Joe’s Stutter (ft. Mystikal)
Minhee (September 17th, 2002)
Nelly’s Dilemma (ft. Kelly Rowland)
Hyeongjun (November 30th, 2002)
Eminem’s Lose Yourself
Taeyoung (January 27th, 2003)
Eminem’s Lose Yourself
Seongmin (August 1st, 2003)
Beyoncé’s Crazy In Love (ft. Jay-Z)
made by sunniejunnie
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