Most popular song when each TRI.BE member was born
Songsun (March 22, 1997)
Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down By Puff Daddy ft. Mase
Kelly (January 16, 2002)
U Got It Bad By Usher
Jinha (November 21, 2003)
Baby Boy By Beyoncé ft. Sean Paul
Hyunbin (May 26, 2004)
Burn By Usher
Jia (July 30, 2005)
We belong together By Mariah Carey
Soeun (December 10, 2005)
Run it! By Chris Brown
Mire (March 26, 2006)
Temperature By Sean Paul
Made by Erigomlove
Which member was born on your favorite release? Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Jia 24%, 123 votes
123 votes 24%
123 votes - 24% of all votes
Mire 22%, 110 votes
110 votes 22%
110 votes - 22% of all votes
Jinha 17%, 86 votes
86 votes 17%
86 votes - 17% of all votes
Hyunbin 12%, 61 vote
61 vote 12%
61 vote - 12% of all votes
Soeun 10%, 50 votes
50 votes 10%
50 votes - 10% of all votes
Kelly 9%, 44 votes
44 votes 9%
44 votes - 9% of all votes
Songsun 6%, 31 vote
31 vote 6%
31 vote - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 505
Voters: 385
August 12, 2022
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Which member was born on your favorite release? Feel free to comment down below!