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Miki Matsubara Profile and Facts

Miki Matsubara Profile and Facts

Miki also Known as Suzie Matsubara is a Japanese Composer, Songwriter, and singer Miki made her debut in 1979 with the song “Mayonaka no Door (真夜中のドア) / Stay with me” under Payon Cayon Inc.

Stage Name:  Suzie Mansubara
Birth Name: Miki Matsubara
Birthday:  November 28th 1959
Date of Death: October 7th 2004 (at the age of 44)
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height:  157.48 (5’2 in)

Miki Facts:
-She was Born in Nishi Ward, Osaka, Japan
-She Stopped all activities in 2001 to get treatment
-After getting Treated and fighting for her life Miki died on October 07th 2004 because of Uterine Cerix Cancer
– She married one of her backup dancers Masaki Honjo who later became a dentist
-She Became popular on TikTok with her song “Stay With Me”
-She was also known for her Anime songs such as Dirty Pair: Project Eden
-Miki intended Pookie Gakuin Junior High School where she found her love for City pop
-She has released 8 singles and 12 albums
-Her mother was a Jazz singer and has played with Japanese Jazz group “Crazy Cats”
-She has down work International with Group Dr. Strut
-She performed Under the Name Suzie Matsumara
-In her High School days Miki was a keyboard player of a group called “Yoshinoya Band”
-When Miki was still in High School she went to Tokyo alone to make her dream come true
-Miki’s song has been popular on TikTok, where people that were in Japan in the 80’s react and sing along to her song
-“Stay With Me” Has surpassed 4.6 million Listeners on Spotify

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Made by: treasure

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treasure luvr

Hi, im treasure luvr (the auto correct changed it to treasure live and idk how to change, but i live for treasure anyway!) please support me in all my pieces! and stan treasure