Some of them have the same MBTI has another. Some of them are different. Do you share a MBTI type with a member? Here are each LOONA member’s MBTI Types.
Members Who Are INFJ
Members Who Are INFP
Members Who Are ISFJ
Members Who Are INTJ
Members Who Are INTP
Go Won
Members Who Are ISTP
Olivia Hye
Members Who Are ISTJ
Kim Lip
Members Who Are ENFP
Members Who Are ENTJ
Back to Loona Member Profiles
Made by mochave
Which Member(s) do you share a MBTI with? Poll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Vivi 19%, 1474 votes
1474 votes 19%
1474 votes - 19% of all votes
Haseul and Yves 14%, 1046 votes
1046 votes 14%
1046 votes - 14% of all votes
None of them 13%, 991 vote
991 vote 13%
991 vote - 13% of all votes
Go Won 13%, 969 votes
969 votes 13%
969 votes - 13% of all votes
Chuu, Choerry and Yeojin 12%, 940 votes
940 votes 12%
940 votes - 12% of all votes
Olivia Hye 9%, 694 votes
694 votes 9%
694 votes - 9% of all votes
Hyunjin 8%, 573 votes
573 votes 8%
573 votes - 8% of all votes
Jinsoul 6%, 452 votes
452 votes 6%
452 votes - 6% of all votes
Heejin 3%, 245 votes
245 votes 3%
245 votes - 3% of all votes
Kim Lip 3%, 219 votes
219 votes 3%
219 votes - 3% of all votes
Total Votes: 7603
January 17, 2022
You or your IP had already vote.
Do you have the same MBTI Type as one of the Loona members? Comment down below. 🙂