Home » Kpop Solo Singers » LIM YOUNGMIN (ex AB6IX) Profile


LIM YOUNGMIN (ex AB6IX) Profile and Facts:

is a soloist under BRANDNEW-A and former member of the group AB6IX.

Official SNS:
Instagram: @lym.offcl
X: @LYM_offcl
YouTube: 임영민 (LIM YOUNG MIN)
Facebook: 임영민 LIM YOUNG MIN
Fancafe: 임영민

Stage Name: LIM YOUNGMIN (임영민)
Birth Name:
 Lim Young Min (임영민)
Chinese Name: Lin Yingmin (林煐岷)
Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Birthday: December 25th, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: 183 cm (6’0″)
Weight: 67 kg (148 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean

– He was born in Seoul, South Korea, but moved to Singapore for 5 years and then returned to Korea and lived in Busan.
– He returned to Korea with his family when he was 5 years old.
– His parents are tomato farm owners in Busan. Because of this, he knows how to pick good tomatoes.
– Family: Parents, older brother (1994), younger brother (2002).
– Nicknames that are given to him are “Tomato”, “Cherry Boy” and “Alpaca”.
– Education: Deokdu Elementary School, Daejeo Middle School, Busan Gangseo High School, and Global Cyber University.
– He was a trainee at RBW, but left the company.
– He failed to pass an audition for JYP.
– White was LIM YOUNGMIN’s representative color in AB6IX.
– A talent he has is playing the piano.
– His favorite season is autumn.
– Tulips are his favorite flower.
– His favorite candy flavor is lemon.
– Turquoise is his favorite color.
– His favorite ice cream flavor is green tea.
– LIM YOUNGMIN has large hands.
– LIM YOUNGMIN cares very much about his skincare routine.
– According to DONGHYUN, he used to use satoori more than WOOJIN.
– DONGHYUN also stated that LIM YOUNGMIN had the hardest time waking up in the morning. (AB6IX Brand New Boys TMI Ep.6)
– He trained for 1 year and 2 months.
– He participated in Produce 101 season 2. LIM YOUNGMIN was eliminated in episode 11.
– LIM YOUNGMIN likes Iced Americano than Hot Americano. (AB6IX Brand New Boys TMI Ep.6)
– He likes cats more than dogs. (AB6IX Brand New Boys TMI Ep.6)
– LIM YOUNGMIN likes seasoned chicken more than original fried chicken. (AB6IX Brand New Boys TMI Ep.6)
– He was in the duo MXM along with fellow member DONGHYUN.
– It was announced on March 11, 2018, that LIM YOUNGMIN debuted in a 4-member group called YDPP that consisted of him, DONGHYUN, JUNG SEWOON, and LEE GWANGHYUN.
– His shoe size is 280mm.
– LIM YOUNGMIN likes to swim and play basketball.
– He also likes to take pictures.
– In the dorm, he used to have his own room.
– YOUNGMIN was caught with a DUI (Driving Under Influence) by police, and his driver’s license was revoked. His activities were postponed after the incident so that he could reflect on his actions.
– The group’s comeback ‘THE ANSWER’ was originally supposed to be released on June 8, 2020, but was delayed to June 29, 2020 due to the ordeal.
– He departed from the group on June 8, 2020, due to his DUI, so that he wouldn’t harm the group’s reputation anymore.
– On October 15, 2020, it was announced that LIM YOUNGMIN would enlist into the military in early November.
– He enlisted for mandatory military service on November 3, 2020, as an active-duty soldier. He was discharged on May 2, 2022.
– Youngmin debuted as a solo artist under BNM with the EP “ROOM” on August 29, 2023.
LIM YOUNGMIN’s Ideal Type: Someone with a nice smile.

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(Special thanks to: ST1CKYQUI3TT, KProfiles, Midge, Wings.9, ba1u)

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