Lee Youngji Profile & Facts
Lee Youngji (이영지) is a South Korean rapper under Mainstream who debuted in 2019 with the single ”Dark Room (암실)”.
Birth Name: Lee Young-ji (이영지)
Birthday: September 10, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 176 cm (5’9.5’’)
Weight: 61.9 kg (136 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: youngji_02
SoundCloud: 이영지
YouTube: 이영지
Lee Youngji Facts:
– She was the winner of High School Rapper 3′.
– She attended Seoul Yangdong Elementary School (graduated), Yanggang Middle School (graduated) & Shinseo High School (graduated).
– She is Christian.
– She signed with Mainstream after taking part in HSR3.
– In 2019, she collaborated with fellow rappers Nafla, Loopy and Puma for the single I’m the One.
– She’s a contestant of Good Girl.
– She’s close friends to her fellow ”High School Rapper 3” contestant Sandy.
– Her favorite drink is water.
– She doesn’t like cucumbers.
– She doesn’t like wet and rainy weather.
– Her shoe size is 270 mm.
– She finds Gucci and Louis Vuitton good brands as they make her look sexy.
– She believes that words related to giving up are bad ones
– Her muse, as well as favorite artist, is Jay Park. He featured in her song “Day & Night” (2021).
– She also likes Post Malone and Lil Pump.
– If Post Malone ever has a concert in South Korea, she’ll make sure to go.
– Her dream collaboration would be with Doja Cat. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– The song that always puts her in a good mood is Emotional Oranges‘ “West Coast Love”. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– Another job she thinks she would be good at is McDonald’s drive-through cashier. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– The first person she calls when she has the good news is her company boss whom she also calls her best friend. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– The best advice she ever received is from the Disney movie COCO, that You always have to “seize the moment.” (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– Her favorite meal of the day is Chipotle. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– She loves drinking coke zero after eating the sweet potato. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– She has a crush on rapper Layone. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– The silliest thing she has done to impress a crush was to tell him straightforwardly what she felt towards him and when he turned her down she made a song with him. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– Her biggest flex and most priced possession is her voice. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– Her comfort show is Infinite Challenge. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– Her most-used emojis are and
. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– She is her own idol. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– One day she would like to compete in a rap battle with Kendrick Lamar or Big Shaq. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– Her thought on pineapple on pizza is that it’s better than avocado on pizza. (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– Her life motto is “be nasty all the time!” (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– She’d tell a younger version of herself “Keep going bro, but eat less please” (BuzzFeed Celeb)
– She earned her first three music show wins with Small Girl Small Girl feat. (D.O.).
For reference on MBTI types:
E = Extroverted, I = Introverted
N = Intuitive, S = Observant
T = Thinking, F = Feeling
P = Perceiving, J = Judging
Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. If you need/want to use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! – Kprofiles.com
profile made by midgehitsthrice
(Special thanks to felipe, julyrose for the additional info)
Latest Korean Comeback:
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