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Juri (Former Rocket Punch) Profile

Juri (Rocket Punch) Profile and Facts:

 Juri (じゅり) (쥬리) is a former memmber of the girl group Rocket Punch under WOOLIM Entertainment.

Stage Name: Juri (じゅり) (쥬리)
Birth Name: Takahashi Juri (高橋朱里) (たかはし じゅり) (타카하시 쥬리)
Nationality: Japanese
Nicknames: Mesi, Egg, Yudetamago, Gyelan, Dakjyu, Dakjuri
Birthday: October 3, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Flower Language: Purple (Royalty)
Height: 159 cm (5’2″)
Weight: 44 Kg (97 lbs)
Blood Type: A

Juri facts:
– She was born in Ibaraki Prefecture, Kashima City, Japan.
– She has an older brother (born in 1995) and a younger brother (born in 2001).
– She is a former member of the J-pop group AKB48.
– Fans say she looks like Kei from Lovelyz.
– In AKB48 she belonged to TEAM B and her position was Captain.
– Hobbies: Watch movies, go shopping and listen to music.
– Skills: Wink a quick eye, swimming and make cute-sexy faces.
– Favorite color: Pink and orange.
– Favorite animal: Panda and raccoon.
– Favorite movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
– Favorite food: Coconut cream.
– Favorite season: Rainy winter.
– She joined AKB48 as Kenkyuusei in April 2011.
– She was promoted to TEAM 4 on March 23, 2012 at Saitama Super Arena. However she was transferred to TEAM A on August 24, 2012 at Tokyo Dome Team Shuffle.
– Admire the members Shinoda Mariko, Maeda Atsuko and Takahashi Minami.
– She has a dog named “John” and 2 cats named “Hana-chan” and “Uri-chan”.
– In PRODUCE 48, she revealed to be a fan of Kpop and that her favorite group is BLACKPINK. In her first performance she performed the song “Playing With Fire” by BLACKPINK.
– She came to the last chapter of Produce 48, with the 16th place.
– She graduated from AKB48 on March 4, 2019, that same day confirmed her exclusive contract with WOOLLIM Entertainment to debut in a group in South Korea.
–  On May 24, Woollim Entertainment announced Juri’s departure from the Rocket Punch and Woolim Entertainment.

-Cabasuka Gakuen (NTV, 2016).
-AKB Love Night Koi Koujou (TV Asashi, 2016) ep.25.
-AKB Horror Night.
-Adrenaline no Yoru (TV Asashi, 2015) ep.39.
-Majisuka Gakuen 5 (Hulu, 2015).
-Majisuka Gakuen 4 (NTV, 2015).
-Gekijourei Kara no Shoutaijou (TBS, 2015) ep.9.
-Sailor Zombie (TV Tokyo, 2014).
So long! (TV Tokyo, 2013).
-Majisuka Gakuen 3 (TV Tokyo, 2012).

-Raison D’etre: Documentary of AKB48(2016).
-Documentary of AKB48: The Time Has Come (2014).
-Documentary of AKB48: No Flower Without Rain (2013).
-Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou (2012).
-Documentary of AKB48: Show Must Go On (2012).

-Zero Project Produce Musical “Yuki no Princess”.
2016: Majisuka Gakuen ~Lost In The SuperMarket~.

Tv Programs:
-PRODUCE 48 (Mnet, 2018).
-Shukan AKB.
-AKB48 Bimyo.
-Bimyo-na Tobira AKB48 no GachiChallenge.
-AKB48 no Anta, Dare?.
-AKB Kousagi Dojo.
-Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku.
-AKB48 Nemousu Terebi.
-Bakushou! Dai Nippon Akan Keisatsu.
-AKB48 Konto “Nani mo Soko Made…”
-AKB Kankou Taishi.

Radio Programs:
-AKB48 Konya wa Kaeranai (2015-2017).
-Listen? 2-3 (2015-2016).
-AKB48 no All Night Nippon (2012).

Profile by Felipe grin§

( Special thanks to KProfiles, ST1CKYQUI3TT, cmsun )

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About the author

felipe grin§

Ig: @fefeennn / X: @felipe__grin

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