Jinseo Profile & Facts
Jinseo (진서) is a member of the boy group N.TIC who debuted on 26 February 2018 under JJ Entertainment. He, as well as the other members, is currently under Yechan Media.
Stage Name: Jinseo (진서)
Birth Name: Shin Jin-seob (신진섭)
Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist, Maknae
Birthdate: 7 January 1997
Zodiac: Capricorn
Birthplace: Jeolla province, South Korea
Nationality: South Korean
Height: 184 cm (6’0″)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Facebook: 진서
Twitter: jinseo_shin (inactive)
Instagram: jinseo_shin
Jinseo Facts:
— He was part of a dance team in Gwangju since middle school before moving to Seoul.
— He was an underground rapper.
— He has very long legs.
— He can imitate Donald Duck and catwalk runway (walking like a model).
— He can dance without music.
— He usually thinks of the mysteries of the universe before going to bed.
— He’s the tallest member.
— He was born the same day as Dreamcatcher‘s Yoohyeon, fromis_9‘s Saerom and RedSquare‘s Green
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Profile by midgehitsthrice
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