jiGOOK (QI.X) Profile and Facts
jiGOOK (지국) is a member of QI.X under Sweet Potato Productions.
Stage Name: jiGOOK (지국)
Pronouns: He/They
Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Rapper
Birthday: December 23, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: –
Nationality: Korean
Blood Type: O
Representative Emoji: /
Instagram: @junegreen_y
Twitter: @junegreen_y
Youtube: June Green
Soundcloud: heroinisdead / June Green
Pinterest: heroinisdead
jiGOOK Facts:
– He is from Jeju Island.
– He owns three cats.
– They do drag, songwriting, photography, and freestyle dancing.
– He says he is in charge of greenness in the group.
– They identify their gender as genderfluid non-binary trans male genderqueer neutrois, and sometimes agender/genderless. (LGBTNewsKorea interview)
– jiGOOK’s says their sexuality could be panromantic, pansexual, quoiromantic, and graysexual. (LGBTNewsKorea interview)
– The reason they have so many labels is to eliminate the boundaries of the label.
– He has a Radiohead tattoo.
– They love being called a queen.
– He dreamt of becoming an idol until he was disappointed by his favourite idol committing various criminal activities, which led him to stop listening to K-pop. (LGBTNewsKorea interview)
– jiGOOK’s favourite colour is green.
– Their favourite bands are Nirvana, Sigur Rós, and Radiohead.
– His favourite queer films are Pose, Queer as Folk, Angels in America, and Queer Eye.
– Some of his favourite soloists are Björk, Damien Rice, and Bon Iver.
Profile by salemstars
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Related: QI.X Members Profile
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