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Gyuhao (SEVENTEEN) Facts and Photos

Gyuhao (SEVENTEEN) Facts and Photos
Gyuhao is the name for the duo, Mingyu and The8, from boy group SEVENTEEN.

Stage Name: MINGYU (민규)
Birth Name: Kim Mingyu (김민규)
Birthday: 6th April, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean
RepresentativeEmoji: 🐶
See more facts about MINGYU…

Stage Name: THE8 (디에잇)
Birth Name: Xu Minghao (徐明浩)
Korean Name: Seo Myung Ho (서명호)
Birthday: 7th November, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Nationality: Chinese
Representative Emoji: 🐸
See more facts about THE8…

Random Gyuhao Facts:
– They refer to themselves as ‘M&M’ (Mingyu&Minghao), occasionally posting under that name. They have also talked about starting a fashion brand of the same name.
– Gyuhao’s iconic half-half selca:

– They have many shared interests (fashion, photography, art) and have similar tastes.
– They held an art exhibition together, “KIM MIN GYU & XUMING HAO 展 : PRESENT”, for SEVENTEEN’s 3rd anniversary. Mingyu mentioned in a behind video that he bought supplies and helped Minghao paint, initially.
– Minghao is very close with Mingyu’s parents, referring to them as his Korean parents.
– An extract from an interview from Elle Korea. (Trans: Kidmingyu)

Q: I wonder what your respective ‘Happy Ending’s are.

THE8: In the future, the moment when I’m living in a house by the beach together with my dog and the person I love!

MINGYU: I’m gonna build a house next to THE8’s. Even if it takes 5 or 10 years, I want to build it myself. Then someday THE8 will tell me it’s hard and question why I did it myself. It’s more meaningful, that’s why. (laughs)

– Lastly, Gyuhao through the years in pictures:

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Related: Poll: Which is your favorite SEVENTEEN ship?

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About the author


I enjoy seventeen, gidle and blackpink a lot, so here I am !