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is a member of the Japanese boy group, BUDDiiS.

Stage Name: FUMINORI (史記)
Birth Name: Ogawa Fuminori (小川史記)
Position: Leader, Rapper, Dancer
Birthday: November 21st, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 174 cm (5’9″)
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Japanese
Instagram: @fuminori_ogawa_official
X (Twitter): @fuminori_ogawa
TikTok: @fuminori_ogawa

– He was born in Saitama, Japan.
– He enjoys playing basketball.
– He is a founding member.
– FUMINORI is a former member of PRIZMAX.
– His hobbies are Dance, rap, and fashion.
– His Special Skills: Latte art, basketball, he has a good voice.
– The oldest of the members.
– He is one of the hyperactive members in BUDDiiS.
– He doesn’t like insects.
– He says he actually wanted to be called “Nori-kun” by the BUDDiiS members.
He says when he was still a child, his dream was opening his own ramen shop.
He says that his rival among BUDDiiS members is everyone.
His important word was “Regret doing rather than regret not doing.” (やらない後悔より、やる後悔)
He says he starts bathing from washing his head.
The thing he can’t live without is a person (because he can’t do anything alone). And love. But then he added ‘woman’ because of MORRIE’s word.
– The thing he is not good at is being in a dark room.
The first thing he checks when sees a woman is her face.
His favorite flowers are lilies.
The proverb he likes is “Dream come true”. (夢は叶う)
He can hold his breath in water for 5 seconds.
If it’s possible, he would like to be a lion.
– BUDDiiS member he probably wants to have as a girlfriend is SEIYA.
BUDDiiS member he probably wants to have as a boyfriend is SHOOT.
BUDDiiS member he probably doesn’t want to have as a boyfriend is TAKUYA.
His charming point is his dimples.
– The punishment game he definitely says “No” to is eating insects.
– He can eat up to 142 bowls of soba noodles.
He is really good at dancing.
– He always does a phone check when he wakes up in the morning.

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Made by: talkingsaxy


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About the author


about me. leah, american, '09 (discord: talkingsaxy09)

author since sep. 2023, editor since jun. 2024

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